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Yet another Arya !

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  • Interests
    Reading (HP, Hyperion, LOTR, ASOIAF, comics, and old fashioned stuff from XVIII-XIXth century)
    Watering plants and ugly garden gnomes
    Running in the wood while listening movies soundtracks and inventing creepy science-fiction stories

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  1. @The Mother of The Others the Q is for queer (but a person L, G, B and/or T could himself/herself Q as well). We can add a I for intersex, a A for asexual, and the + for everything that we failed to describe/we forgot/that don't need to be labelled acording the persons concerned. To sum up, the very term "LGBTQIA+ and so on" is the most inclusive possible. :-) Thanks for the "gay" recipe!
  2. Thanks Honeyed Chicken (a good recipe I guess) for your warm welcome! Reading for the first time ASOS is a pleasure, but the second time should be even better: I'm sure the books teem with tiny details you don't catch at the first reading, and regarding the characters it's like meeting again old friends (even the evil ones!). And the third reading...well I will see that in a few years (it took me 8 months to read the three first books!). I prefer the books (generally I prefer books to movies: for instance Harry Potter or LOTR) but I admired the quality of the TV version, especially the realism in clothes, food, places...and the music as well (with plain themes, but always efficient). I will try your games!
  3. Hello ! Yet another Arya in this forum...as all the possible names in Essos and Westeros were used as screen names... I know the serie Game of Thrones for five years and I'm reading the books for a few months, right now I'm halfway through the second part of A Storm of Swords. The books opened a new dimension for me; they are much more detailed and entertaining -although I have from time to time to check some words in a dictionnay (I'm not an English native speaker). Thanks a lot for this forum, I only found it out yesterday and I learnt a lot of things (regarding the theories about Tansy, for instance).
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