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Everything posted by Maegor_the_Cool

  1. The Targaryens themselves tortured and murdered their own kin. By the laws of the land and the realm those are the worst sins one can commit. Meaning the Targs are even worse.
  2. I agree with everything you said except for the fact of Renly being the best King of the 5K. I think Robb would’ve been the best as King of the North & Riverlands than any of the others would’ve been of their kingdoms. Renly, to me, was essentially Robert lite. He loved pageantry, parties, tourneys, and drinking. And he was bought and paid for by the Tyrells. I don’t think he’d be as bad as Robert, but I also don’t think he’d be that great either.
  3. You are adorable, you actually believe that
  4. And IF Aegon’s prophecy is true, it means Aegon and his sisters are fucking stupid. As the Targaryens never once patronized the Watch except once during Jaehaerys’ rule, in which they built them a smaller castle and gave them land they couldn’t hope to maintain. The Watch got weaker under Targaryen rule. The Targaryens never once helped the Starks strengthen the North once, in fact they weakened the North every chance they got. And then, they never fucking told anyone about Aegon’s prophecy aside from the heir. One person. If Aegon did have a prophecy he didn’t help at all with making sure the newly United realm was at aware or prepared for it.
  5. No they didn’t. Aegon and his sisters Conquered the 7K because they could, because they wanted prestige. The Rhoynar were fleeing the Targaryens and other Dragon N@Zia and were looking for a place they could live. They allied with the Martells and helped deal with the Martell’s enemies.
  6. Yes, the Wyls, should’ve been punished. In a just world they would have. But when in the fuck has the ASOIAF universe been just? Most fans want the Frey’s to suffer and have justice merged out to them. But will they? We just don’t know. In fact I’ll turn it around in you. Why didn’t Aegon & Visenya obliterate House Wyl? I know! It’s because they were too busy getting their jollies by murdering thousands of Dornish smallfolk.
  7. Again, holy shit, you are acting as if a theory, an idea, is canon and are using it to defend Aegon, Visenya, & Rhaenys.
  8. Again you are ascribing the title of truth to a theory. Unless proven otherwise, Rhaenys was killed while she was leading an invasion of a sovereign kingdom. Stop saying a theory is truth and using it do try to defend your bootlicking of the Targaryens. Unless it appears in canon, Aegon and his sisters were simply greedy assholes with dragons. Aegon’s vision is show canon only.
  9. Lol what. Not she did it for her people. Aegon committed genocide in a hissy fit because the Dornish actually got a W against them.
  10. It’s possible but again zero evidence so at this point it’s conjecture and fanfiction
  11. Dude you just blew my mind cuz you are absolutely right lol. I’ve always pictured it on foot…
  12. Drogo and Rhaego were already dead by the time they burned tho
  13. I also don’t blame her for Rhaego. Dany knew the price. Though she refuses to acknowledge that. “Did I? No, if I look back I’m lost.” She outright refuses to think of it, because she knows it to be true. But Rhaego wasn’t a baby, just a clump of cells.
  14. I hope she did. It’d be justice. Mirri Max Duur is a great hero of the Lhazareen people!
  15. The remnants of the slaves of the Deep Ones? It’s heavily implied that the Ironborn aren’t First Men and that they came from somewhere else than Essos. Perhaps even before the First Men. The Deep One’s were a brutal race that has a history of brutality, enslavement, and genocide. Seems very much in line with Ironborn culture. The Seastone is made out of the oily black stone that seems to be wherever these Deep Ones have appeared. We also have the Ironborn religious myth that said they came from the Deep. Perhaps they were remnants of the slaves the Deep Ones took, or maybe they somehow interbred with the Deep Ones and that’s why they died out.
  16. I don’t have any sympathy for Robert, but kill him caused so much chaos for so many others that it is just evil. Regardless of any moral reasons she’d have to do it (saving her children, marital rape) his murder was absolutely the greater evil.
  17. If it wasn’t for Drogon showing up? I’ve always assumed the locusts were poisoned and were definitely meant for Daenerys. Had Drogon not shown up I wouldn’t have been shocked if there was a back up plan as Belwas had eaten them all. As Dany had outright admitted that the hostages she took were not going to ever be harmed. She lost all leverage with the Sons after that.
  18. Would you rather be the daughter of King Jaehaerys I? Or a child of any gender of Tywin Lannister?
  19. Sansa I agree 100%. Cat is more complicated. She absolutely damaged Robb’s reputation amounts this bannermen with what she did. And while I do think the Riverlands were a lost cause, I also absolutely believe Robb would’ve retaken the North. The hardest part would’ve obviously been Moat Cailin. But with the Crannogmen on his side, he’d be able to attack it from both sides. He’d have a very good chances of taking it. Once that’s done it’d be easy for a general of his caliber to retake the North from the Ironborn.
  20. Do you think he could’ve beaten Robert on the Trident? Robert was hella injured from their fight already. I imagine with VS being able to cut through his armor, Rhaegar would’ve won.
  21. The Anti-Stark stuff would be fine if it was at all based in the text, and not the fever dreams of a bunch of inbred troglodytes in their mother’s basements.
  22. I actually have to agree with you to an extent. Dragons were flying cheat codes. The might of dragons would’ve conquered Westeros. The dragonlords owe all they are to them. They were nothing without their dragons. It’s safe to say the Valyrians and Targs would still be balls deep in their sheep without the dragons.
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