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Everything posted by kissdbyfire

  1. But the ever-hungry intelligence agencies get more and more power to spy on Americans and others and the MSM barely registers it. WASHINGTON — Late Friday evening, the Senate caved to pressure from U.S. intelligence agencies and passed a bill that reauthorizes and dramatically expandsSection 702 of FISA, creating new ways for the government to spy on Americans without a warrant.
  2. But the system protects itself, especially against changes to the status quo.
  3. Sorry but isn't "plurality" here a bit of an overstatement? I mean, voters have a choice between alt right zealots (republicans) or run of the mill corporate conservatives (dems). Doesn't feel like much of a choice. Btw, it applies to Tories/Labour as well.
  4. You missed the point again. Or ignored it? Either way, what I was saying was exactly what you are saying, only phrased differently. You say you worry about the future of the US and your American friends. Why are you worried? Exactly. What I said was that I could see the US sliding much further down the authoritarian ladder if the christofascists manage to take power. Unless you think these people - the christofascists - would be incapable of taking violent actions to suppress a protest... myself, I think they'd relish it.
  5. Where did I say anything even remotely close to that? I’m a big fan of sarcasm so I appreciate the question, but I’ll just copy here a part of my previous post that you might have missed. “seems to me the US could get there, to Iran’s level of oppression - if the christofascists manage to take power. Because Iran’s method of dealing with protesters is oppression + repression + religious zealotry. And the US has, like many other countries, its chunk of religious zealots who would, if given the chance, repress protests just like Iran does.”
  6. It doesn’t but it was super keen on funding and installing US-friendly military dictatorships all over the place not that long ago.
  7. That’s my impression as well but wanted an insider’s perspective.
  8. Yes, this whole thing is awful. And while I agree w/ what you said there’s one minor point I disagree with. Given how dire the need for aid is in Palestine, they (they as in every country that jumped on this bandwagon, there are many) should not have withheld funds at all. They should have made a statement demanding a full independent investigation and warning of immediate withholding of funds if the case against UNRWA/its employees was made. Alas, too late now. Germany has resumed its funding and iirc this bill was voted down or not put forth in the house? This is probably all wrong but I do remember hearing about it but as usual it was buried and given no attention by the media. I also remember that b/c it didn’t go through it meant that at best the us funding could potentially resume next year? Or be voted/presented again next year? Sorry, that could all be wrong too!
  9. The US is withholding funding to UNRWA since 3 minutes after Israel said UNRWA had loads of HAMAS people among its employees - a claim that was nonsense from the get and has been debunked since. Coincidentally, that accusation from Israel came 3 minutes after the ICJ taking on South Africa’s case of possible genocide. ETA: I agree with you re HAMAS probably not seeing much in returning the hostages and the war resuming.
  10. Can someone explain to me how the bad decisions possibly made by uni presidents and the sometimes violent overreaction of law enforcement in these protests doesn’t hurt Biden? Ya know, threats to democracy, authoritarians all around, individual rights, human rights, yadda yadda yadda. And not a peep about it at all… in NY it looks even worse for democrats given the dem trifecta. Young people weren’t too happy before, then TikTok, and now this. I don’t know but it doesn’t look good from where I’m looking.
  11. If that’s your takeaway from TLW’s post perhaps you should read it again.
  12. Can you imagine the MSM dealing w/ images and reports like the above, but coming from Iran? Or China? And so many others… And thinking about Iran’s response to the protests b/c of the killing of Mahsa Amini and how the US is responding to these now, well, seems to me the US could get there, to Iran’s level of oppression - if the christofascists manage to take power. Because Iran’s method of dealing with protesters is oppression + repression + religious zealotry. And the US has, like many other countries, its chunk of religious zealots who would, if given the chance, repress protests just like Iran does.
  13. I don’t think it would… because Bran would understand that those were someone else’s feelings. It happens throughout the books, instances where Jon or Bran are aware of what Ghost and Summer are feeling. Their bonds with other animals will be different, sure, the relationship could never be as it is between the boys and the direwolves. Still, I’d find it extremely odd if all of a sudden Bran develops some weird anti Jon feelings that he “caught” second-hand from an animal he skinchanged into w/o realising those are not his own feelings.
  14. I think the Varamyr prologue does just that, but I don’t see it as a set up for an artificial Jon-Bran estrangement or something. You mean skinchangers, right? Anyway, I’m not so sure about the emotional infection as you put it.
  15. Moral of the story: vets can be arseholes too!
  16. FTFY. You jest, but just the other day I read something about a lawmaker somewhere say - I can’t remember where but it was some country w/ a loud and obnoxious anti-woke gaggle of politicians) that he was going to propose a law banning vegan meals in any public school menu b/c “everyone knows veganism is a dangerous arm of the woke left. WTAF. Has trying to deal with and solve issues for your electorate gone out of style or what?
  17. I think it goes beyond the fact that she bragged about it but also how happily she narrates that yes, she is a proud puppy killer but only after botching it first, leaving the wounded dog there, going after more ammo, coming back to finish that bastard dog off. Then she realises there's a bunch of people watching this spectacle, her daughter's school bus pulls up and the daughter's first words are "where is 'Toto'?".
  18. Will this be the one time when “puppy killer” is a plus on a VP resume?
  19. That makes a lot of sense. I was more commenting on the irony and insanity of the situation.
  20. Indeed. Which means that Biden is helping Trump's campaign. That's how bonkers things are atm.
  21. Israel’s government officials now actively campaigning for Trump. And it won’t change a thing, it won’t matter in the least. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-24/ty-article/.premium/netanyahu-minister-says-he-would-vote-for-trump-biden-strategy-hurts-israel/0000018f-104e-d70d-a58f-d9ffb9d20000 “Netanyahu Minister Says He Would Vote for Trump: Biden 'Causes Real Damage' to Israel Relations” https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-798396
  22. Not much to say other than I agree. I find the [over]reaction of law enforcement has been… quite telling actually.
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