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Everything posted by sifth

  1. I'm not there yet, but I know a lot of people are. I need Theon to do something truly heroic before I can feel bad for him. Even saving Jeyne is something he only did at spear point. Until I see Theon do something truly good, of his own free will, I can't like the guy. All that being said, his chapters in ADWD were AMAZING. Possibly the best chapters in the book.
  2. I always feel conflicted when it comes to Theon. I both love and hate the character at the same time.
  3. I thought Warhammer 40k was a board game? Is this a novel series as well?
  4. I mean if nothing else, one of the fun aspects of A Song of Ice and Fire, is the fact that the villains actually stand a chance at winning. When I read other stories, I really never expect the villains to win any major victories.
  5. Maybe they’re the type of people who enjoy seeing bad things happen to good people. Sadly those type of humans do exist.
  6. I ran into quite the opposite. I use to post a lot on video game forums, like ign and whenever someone had a hot topic, that no one would agree with, people would make alts, with hardly any posts to support their hot topic. One person in particular had 4 or 5 accounts, "claimed" they were his brothers, sisters and cousin, yet they only would ever show up when the person stuck his foot in his mouth, and always agreed with whatever stupid thing their "sibling" said. They were basically The Borg family, ha ha ha It was honestly the most pathetic attempt I've ever seen by someone who was clearly using multiple accounts.
  7. You'd be shocked how often this happens, lol
  8. The problem is Raff is a rapist who was rewarded for his actions, by the Lannisters, who are currently in charge of Westeros. No one was ever going to convict him for his actions, unless they literally over threw the government. Also as stated already, the guy is a monster and had it coming. I'm all for some vigilante justice, when a horrible criminal slips through the cracks.
  9. Many of us want that, but hey I didn't want Jon to end the last book being stabbed 3 times and left in the snow to die. GRRM has become a rather hard man to predict, lol
  10. I agree, HWR's letting the Loki's kill him was plan B, which he was perfectly fine with. As stated he lived a long life and was growing tired after looking after the one true timeline, for so long.
  11. On the subject of possibly gay characters, I often wonder if Rhaegar was gay or possibly bisexual. It's said that he was kind to Elia, but never really loved her and we don't know what his feelings for Lyanna were, just that he needed a knew woman to produce a third heir, since be believed his 3 children were destined to save the world. It's constantly brought up that know one truly knew Rhaegar except for Arthur Dayne. Maybe I'm just over thinking things and they just had a brotherly relationship, similar to Robert and Ned, but something about Rhaegar always made me wonder if he was gay.
  12. I don't recall Brienne ever questioning her gender. I only remember Cersei frequently wishing she were born a man.
  13. Plus he probably would have gotten killed if he didn't do it. Pretty easy choice, lol
  14. To each their own, but she comes off more as a Tomboy to me, same with Arya and Asha.
  15. For the longest time, I use to think Brienne was trans, but that's changed in recent years. Brienne just seems like a really in shape woman, IMO. Plus we know as a young woman she enjoyed traditional feminine pursuits. She was turned off these things, by her Septa belittling her skills and her appearance. Brienne may look like a hardened warrior but underneath she is still your average Westerosi Maiden who loves the old songs and tales of valiant knights, much like Sansa. Brienne has romantic feelings for Renly and later romantic and sexual feelings for Jaime Lannister. At no point does she try to distance herself from her female self (in the books she even still has long hair) but she does allow people to assume she is a man for her own safety. Also my head cannn ending for the series has Brienne and Jamie running off to join a sell sword company together. Though in recent years, the show has ruined that a little for me.
  16. The whole Kang business is sort of reminding me of Thawne from The Flash. We're seeing the characters downfall and origin in reverse order.
  17. Truth be told, I fully expect Jon would have remained a virgin, if not for his undercover mission. He doesn't seem like the type that would go to brothels to lose it. Part of it was his mission and part of it was biology, part of it was him just not understand what love is. I can't fault anyone for that; when I was in my first relationship, I thought it was love, but my partner felt otherwise.
  18. Iron Emmett is my personal favorite. He's an extremely skilled warrior and one of the few that can beat Jon Snow, in fair combat. He's made a commander at a young age and as far as we've been told is very loyal to Jon and the Watch.
  19. I meant in the past. Literally every other MCU show released on Disney Plus, has always been something I just kept on, while doing work. With Loki I not only look forward to watching, but don't do anything else while watching it.
  20. This show is a lot of fun. This is legit the only MCU show, that I look forward to seeing each week.
  21. They're not responding to you, my friend. Lord Varys, mentioned that Arya was wrong for killing Raff in a post made yesterday and people didn't respond kindly to that.
  22. This, this and THIS SOME MORE. The characters don't live in our world. There is no law and order system at place that is even remotely similar to our own. Dareon is far from the worst character in the series, when compared to Joff, Ramsay, Tywin and several others, but only because the bar has been set that high. The guy is scum for what he did to Sam, Gilly and Maester Aemon and a deserter to an order he sword to serve for life. I'm suppose to care about his existence, when he's done nothing, but scummy things in the series, just because he's not a baby killer like Tywin and Gregor or a torture like Ramsay and so on? Dareon was rotten, just because he wasn't as rotten as other characters, doesn't change that fact.
  23. So have I. Deron still committed a capital crime and therefore Daeron deserved to die. It's honestly that simple and it's why I say your comparing it to something like murder in the real world is oil and water. There is no due process in GRRM's world and people charged with a crime have no rights. Heck only the high born are even given a trial. Daeron wanted to get drunk with hookers for the rest of his life and broke his vow. You break the vow you lose your head, those are the laws of GRRM's universe and a law Daeron knew full well. We're literally told by Ned Stark, one of the most morally good people in the series, that deserters are bad people in the first chapter of the first book and therefore if they commit this crime and are caught for doing it, their life is forfeit. Heck if Ned or any of his sons saw Daeron and knew what he did, they'd probably have killed him as well, because he broke the law and the Starks honor it.
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