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Everything posted by RhaenysBee

  1. Yeah, same. I bought a bottle of gin and apple juice but ended up drinking GnT anyway. Wasn’t too bad, but I suppose I’ve been eating well enough in the past couple weeks to balance it out. Also alkaline water is magic.
  2. Well, you are on the right track, because the internet says that gin, tequila and non-grain vodka has the least acidity in this order. (The whiskey was my mistake it says tequila, I just misremembered) I think the general rule of thumb is to stay away from anything that’s sugary, fizzy or has to do with grapes, aka cocktails, sweet liqueurs, wine, champagne, Prosecco, etc. Mulled wine is the death of me. I love it but it destroys me for a week every single time. Especially when you follow up with 5 fizzy cocktails. Winter weddings…
  3. What alcoholic beverage is least triggering for reflux? Siri and google say it’s gin and whiskey. Any contradictory opinions?
  4. Oh how interesting! Your spring holidays are linked to the public holidays and not Easter then? We usually get them with Easter, which is Good Friday and Easter Monday off, plus an extra two or three days for schools. Uhh always annoying. But yay for the nice and productive week! no, sorry, that’s “belated” x Autocorrect which switched back to Hungarian. (Belát means see or admit and és means and. Fun fact.) No getting drunk, yes goose meals. Oh that doesn’t sound fun. Hope you get through them quickly and enjoy the weekend too!
  5. I was actually okay for the wedding, a bit more tired but that’s all. The weather was nasty but it was an indoor event luckily. They had a hot chocolate and mulled wine stand for arriving guests. That was a nice touch Yeah they absolutely should. This weird moving around the holidays we have here sounds pretty unreasonable to me. There’s a good reason autumn and Easter holidays exist, students need that break in the middle of the term. Hope you were able to make some progress on your project and had a nice, not too busy week and lovely weekend. I visited my mum to make up for cancelling our plans when I was ill the week before. We had a beautiful autumn day in an arboretum and had a belát és St Martin’s Day lunch yesterday, then some dog walking today morning before I returned to my cold and hot-waterless abode in the city.
  6. It’s actually a lot better now, or I’m just distracted because I got ill. I have 48 hours to get well for a wedding on Saturday. Timing is just chefs kiss….. good luck with the jab! We completely abandoned those as well. Might try to persuade my mum to get one, I’m sure everybody else is hopeless. I mean… is it better to sit in 18C in coats with exhausted kids who haven’t had more than a weekend off since summer? Besides, what about the digital age? :/ then again I’m not a teacher so who knows. yeah not much of a choice at this point because I caught whatever the chocolate workshop lady had on Saturday. (Not covid if two negative lateral flow tests can be trusted) At least another person from the bachelorette crew is ill too, fingers crossed this thing passes through us quickly. I just love when people go to work while ill.
  7. I think I pulled my shoulder last night. I guess this happens when you haven’t done any bodily movement in months, decide to stretch yoga the shit out of your aching muscles and are nearing 30.
  8. Huh, I see. Well I guess that makes sense though one can still test positive and not be contagious anymore. I tested positive for a month after I had covid. But that was a very different covid from the one that’s going around these days. yeah, doesn’t make a lot of sense, moving around the holidays and all. I don’t see why the kids can’t go online for two or three colder months, they spent full school years that way… that sounds lovely! Have a great week! I had a rather empty and chill day today. Tomorrow will be the same, I want to see a Lego lion installation they did in the city which could be a nice walk with a hot chocolate if it’s not raining. Then visiting family for a couple days, then wedding preparations on Friday, friend’s wedding on Saturday.
  9. Wow. I think you are required to isolate for 5 days here or fewer if you have a negative test in the meanwhile. But it really doesn’t matter because people just go to events and work while absolutely sick like it’s 2019. Sorry about the lingering symptoms, I’m sure it’ll clear up soon. I have next week off too, though schools don’t have an autumn holiday because it’s been attached to the winter one (making it 3 weeks long) - somehow this is more economical for institutions. what do you plan for your week off?
  10. well this is a new read of it, one that I haven’t come across before. Goes to show how many ways the audience can view and interpret what we saw. Which isn’t a bad thing. I think both shows (hotd and got) neglected to incorporate the importance of prophecy into their world building, that’s where Jon Targaryen failed too. Even GoT only made this to be a Melisandre and Stannis thing who were both portrayed as moderately looney for being so caught up in prophecy. There were traces of prophecy around Daenerys but it was never portrayed as the full fledged driver into the story as it was in the books. I think something similar is the deal with hotd, because production is very careful to not border on what the audience might consider “silly”.
  11. Yes I can see all that, though the show didn’t do much to establish that the Targaryens as a family were into prophecies, or that Daemon in particularly was or how high society at this point generally views prophecy. That groundwork is missing for me to see the credibility in Daemon’s reaction or the weight of the revelation to him. My impression had been that Viserys was a history geek and this prophecy is important to him but not much more than any other legend from ages ago. It may be different in the books but I certainly didn’t get the Rhaegar vibe out of anybody and so the scene felt unduly over the top.
  12. I can’t say that scene did much to shy away from gore, but it’s plausible that post production decisions played a part in it. It kinda brings me back to my original point that you don’t need more than one birth scene per person per season. You can just cut to burning the wrapped body from the labor and for once tell instead of (vaguely) show. It’s tasteful, clear and you can still convey the emotional impact with shots of Rhaenyra. Weird choice.
  13. That’s… that’s just not something you would know from the show. Now I rewatched it I can read into it because you told me, but without the background info it just looked like a bad prop purposely shot in an ambiguous way. Very interesting choice.
  14. There was loads that I loved, but let’s begin with some nitpicks: -why would you intercut Rhaeyra’s (second within 5 episodes) birth scene with a dragon? Why would Rhaenyra have another birth scene? I appreciate symmetry but not this much, so maybe one birth scene per person per season can be satisfactory? I’m not saying it wasn’t a beautifully executed scene with deep insight into the kind of person Rhaenyra is, but it was a choice. Especially the intercutting. - but it’s all fine - as long as you don’t have a MIDWIFE turn away crying at the sight of a stillborn baby. I mean for crying out loud why would you direct that? Stop. - so the whole song of ice and fire thing is, along with the white worm lady friend, much like fetch. You need to stop trying to make it happen. The Rhaenyra actor couldn’t even say it with a straight face. The scene didn’t make any sense and daemon’s reaction was such a wtf moment. I don’t know or care if it was out of character or not but it had so little to do with the episode. It was another one of those, let’s do this to shock people decisions. -I also don’t get the point of the I will teach you what loyalty is moment, it was a little bit gratuitous especially the way it was cut off in the middle. - I get that there was no time for this, but how exactly did Dragonstone find out what happened to Arrax and Luke? - Aemond is a twenty year old young man (or something like that) as an envoy to the new king - what brings him to act like a butthurt brat in a foreign lord’s hall against a kid? Son, the only person you’re humiliating is yourself. Stuff that worked: - Rhaenyra mothering the strong boys -Rhaenyra’s fatal miscalculation that storms’ end will be a smooth assignment -Daemon looking for that wild dragon -Crowning of Rhaenyra with Viserys’s crown by Daemon -Rhaenys’s arrival and cutting to the chase about the news -reactions to Viserys’s death -Corlys declaring for Rhaenyra -the table -Rhaenyra’s attempt to remain peaceful and avoid war and honor Viserys’s legacy -Calling out Rhaenys for not roasting the Hightowers - Rhaenyra being a beginner at queenship for ten minutes straight - it was realistic, relatable and character building -Rhaenyra’s trying to reign in Daemon and remain in charge - Daemon’s bringing the news to Rhaenyra at the end - dragon chase and losing control of the dragons. That was a first class scene. Aemond’s descent to loss of control, panic and regret, Luke’s terror and attempt to stay in control, the dragons losing their shit in the storm and with the emotionally unstable and inexperienced riders. It was beautiful, graceful, terrifying, heartbreaking, relatable and I rewinded to watch it again for the emotional payoff. This is how you do dragon-death. meh: - I’m not a fan of digs and callbacks at season 8. I don’t hate it because I loathed that season so much it deserves it, but it’s not actually witty or mature. Stay in your own world, script. - I don’t know if that last Rhaenyra reaction worked for me. There was very little body language to observe with the wig and the thick dark costume, so I’m not sure it came across as impactfully as they intended. -Rhaenys had some quite moments that worked but she’s still underutilized and underdeveloped and used for the wrong reasons in the wrong ways.
  15. They brought it back. 9/10. I guess that’s what Matt Smith, Corlys, the Velaryn score and dragon content will do for you. this was prime stuff. I have a few minor complaints but overall this was everything that good entertainment should be. Adult Rhaenyra has also sort of grown on me and she has very intriguing dynamic with Daemon (especially this episode), who has also grown on me. Peace Nobel prize for Lord Baratheon, the only person in the seven kingdom who isn’t comfortable with murder at formal events under his roof. I just wanted to quote this for truth. This episode showed season 8 how dragon content is done. It was chef’s kiss.
  16. Very late to this episode so I will try to keep it short. Nobody expected this episode to top or even equal the previous one. And yes a quiet and low heat episode was necessary between episode 8 and the finale (which I have yet to watch). But that doesn’t mean you get to wreak whatever havoc the writers did on this script. Things that worked: The only person with actual presence in this episode was Aemond and I’m so thankful for him. The actor is by far the best of the new generation cast and he is able to command the screen. The urgency and tension to contain the news while preparations were ongoing worked in an emotional sense to a certain point. People standing up for Viserys’s memory and Rhaenyra were powerful (lord commander, that old person on the small council, that one lord and lady who didn’t bend the knee, Arryk or Eryk) Alicent’s turmoil finally fleshed out her adult version. Meleys cgi looked impressive. Things that didn’t work: -How does criston cole still exist in this universe? -Ankle-porn. Listen, the issue is not that you wrote a gratuitous and repulsive scene to prove that you can have a repulsive scene without explicit nudity. The issue is that you are implying that the queen has to hand out intimate favors to Larys for information and control. This is new and disturbing and takes a lot away from who Alicent has become. Very poor choice. -for the love of god stop trying to make fetch happen. The white worm aka daemon’s former lady friend aka mysterious power person should never ever have made the final script. What an absolutely ridiculous, aimless idea to include this paper cut out of a character and have the audacity to make her the spokesperson for the woes of the common people. It’s a joke. Not as bad as Criston Cole but nearly. - so tell me again who was that child we had the camera follow in the first shot? Was he a little bird? Was he a servant? He seemed better dressed. Was he a son or a grandson of the king? If so why don’t I know him? Whoever he was when, how and why did he wander into the King’s bed chambers in the wee hours? I don’t get it. You wanted a scene with the camera following a child. - why is Rhaenys in king’s landing? Why would she kill several people but not the Hightowers or at least Criston fucking Cole? I would have forgiven this whole scene of her suddenly growing armor out of her shoulders, doing massive collateral damage, and getting her dragon scream at Alicent, if she at least roasted Criston fucking Cole. What was the point? What were you trying to achieve with this scene? Oh, you wanted an angry dragon scene because it’s cool. Okay. - so the commoners have evil and immoral fighting pits for children in flea bottom. Wow, I feel… things..? Or do I? this narrative has no place in your entire story because you didn’t make room for it and especially no place in this particular storyline and episode. No, I don’t feel anything, and yes I already knew that Aegon was a piece of shit. -If you have the mysterious white worm lady friend lobby for the ending of this evil practice, you made things worse -if you have her leverage the kidnapping/hiding/luring/hell knows what even happened of the prince inside the bottom of an altar, you are beyond help. Why? How? -did you just play Robert Baratheon’z theme at the crowning of a Targaryen-Hightower prince? Did you really? Did I hear that right? - Otto is discount version, Larys is a creep, Rhaenys doesn’t have a character, ladyfriend has even less, Cole is at this point a slimy and spineless Gregor Clegane, Aemond doesn’t have screen time, Aegon is a piece of shit, Helaena is a prop, Alicent is too neurotic. There was virtually nobody to carry this episode so it fell flat on its face, and hard.
  17. Well wasn’t this a hard fall after episode 8. Bleeding from a thousand cuts with virtually nobody to carry it, poor unfortunate episode barely scarped a generous 6/10 together from me. Seriously 90% of this episode was a joke or a filler. The remaining 10% was the ghost of Viserys and Aemond.
  18. Lesson learned the hard way: don’t hold on to your fancy champagne for a special occasion. It’ll only go bad. Any random small joy should be reason enough to open and drink it.
  19. Really glad to hear you’re doing better! How long did you isolate? Hope everything’s fine now and the cough clears up soon as well! Ugh I feel you. Somehow weaned myself back onto going to bed at or after midnight and mornings are a torture. I miss my 10pm bedtime grandma routine. I had a house chore heavy weekend so I’m now 60% caught up with my adult responsibilities which is much better than the 20% last week. Currently watching Lost with a dog napping in my lap.
  20. If it’s any comfort I can’t think of a family member who isn’t getting stuff fixed, installed. I suppose it’s the energy crisis as much as 30 year old homes slowly giving in. Everybody’s trying to go as energy saving as possible with some sort of remodel. Yay for the vacation! Where are you headed? I’m all right, thanks. This has been a rather difficult year but I’m trying to scramble out on the other side. We do have an exciting autumn as my best friend is getting married and we have related events every weekend till the big day. It’s nice to have something happy and beautiful in the horizon. It took some time but I did warm to the show thanks mostly to Paddy Considine. Jam making is a lovely hobby! Good luck what are you jamifying?( this can’t be a word but I like it ) Ah I’m so sorry. This thing is still so random it’s impossible to predict how it’s going to affect someone. Move around as much as you can in the flat and drink a lot fluids is what I had been advised six variants ago feel better soon!
  21. It was the most heartbreaking tv I have seen in years. Read an article the other day in which Paddy Considine talked about improving his last words and how much he loves the character. It was such a perfect casting <3 YESYESYES! and agreed, realistically it was an 8 with only the Viserys parts hitting 10.
  22. The designs don’t need to blow me away. There are certain scenes when the purpose of the gown is not practicality but beauty and impact (like a coronation or a wedding scene). Then, sure, the gowns may (not must) be designed to blow us away. A costume should be an outfit that a real person (the character) would realistically wear in the fictional world they live in. It should be practical for the climate of the location, the lifestyle of the character, it should reflect region and class, the fictional fashion trend of the time. This ties directly into practicality and the comfort of the person wearing them, so making the actor comfortable isn’t a goal that contradicts dressing the character in the right way. These are different roads running in the same direction and should be merged in the costume. Which should be well fitting as custom tailoring is the only type of tailoring in a medieval world and film production. Ill-fitting garments are rarely comfortable unless they are a potato sack.
  23. Oh yeah… that time I had thought as kid that m it would be fun to see history in the making… dumbest idea ever. They’re awful, no exception. I skipped the show itself, because none of the promo material looked like something I want to pay Amazon for. I loosely follow the reception and the drama though. Ah I’m so sorry! Most acquaintances who’ve had it recently said it ran its course in a couple days, hope you get through it quickly and easily too. Lots of water, lots of sleep. Feel better soon! Hi there! How are you doing? And how do you like the dragon show?
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