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  1. I'd rather watch that happen 5 different times than watch any incarnation of the cheesy forced rubbish we just saw.
  2. Nah the dragon would have been far more entertaining opposed to a room full of ultra violent guys watching her slowly knocking over the braziers while speechifying while doing nothing to stop her. Dany's whole messiah thing always comes across as cheesy as hell to me whenver something happens and she comes out and everybody starts bowing just makes me roll me eyes like crazy.
  3. I'm honestly shocked that none of them even lunged for her after she knocked over the first pyre. Also, why would they be thrilled with somebody that just burnt down their holy structure?
  4. They absolutely aren't in the books. Dany just got burnt herself by Drogon in the last book and a bunch have been killed by some form of fire. In the show I guess they are saying she's fireproof which is just kind of silly in my opinion but whatever I check out during her scenes anyway she bores me to death.
  5. I hated the Arya scene. It was over the top and really made Arya into too much of a monster. Oh and conveniently Arya gets to keep on training seemingly while some other guy pays the ultimate price, although she did at least lose her eyesight? Was that because he put too much faith in her in that she was ready?
  6. The whole for the watch thing was friggin dumb. Why did the morons at the Night's Watch let Jon through initially if they were just going to stab him without further provocation? They let the Wildlings through and now they are without anybody on the Watch they would connect with. Not to mention no Ghost conveniently when he showed up when Sam was in trouble?
  7. Because an argument can be made it was a war and it actually helped avoiding the inevitable battle. This is just completely inexcusable.
  8. I've in no way complained about book changes, especially because it hasn't even happened yet in there. There are many differences between show Stannis and book Stannis so already the show isn't going to be comparable to the books in what the characters are going to do. My problem is in the development of it in the show itself. I was just including the bit about the book's desperation to show something coming closer to what I think would make it more within possibility that Stannis would ever resort to it, even then I'd question it, but I wouldn't just think it was dumb.
  9. Nah no way it's a glamor, nothing like glamors have even been mentioned in the show. The closest thing would be the faceless men and that wouldn't make sense for a lot of reason, first and foremost they'd probably need to kill Shireen to get the face thus destroying the point.
  10. Stannis didn't need a huge advantage until the somewhat pointless Ramsay mission which didn't really give us any new information about anybody. So far it's only been about putting Stannis in the supposedly desperate situation he was in. Relative to the books, Stannis wasn't in all that bad of a position on the show. He hadn't been in the storm too long from the looks of it on the show and he started out with more troops than Bolton. Part of the problem is they didn't allocate nearly enough time to the situation if they were trying to sell us that Stannis was that desperate. They can't make this huge show earlier in the season of Stannis loving his daughter and apparently never giving up on her which I'm pretty sure was supposed to be genuine and then all of the sudden at the first major sign of any trouble outside of the known storm he just goes and burns her. There wasn't enough build up of desperation, so the scene earlier combined with all prior indications just come off as Stannis just being a fickle asshole or the wrong kind of manipulative by the writers just to "surprise" the audience. Look at the different parents' reactions to the situation which seem to entirely go counter to what we've seen previously concerning their daughter, it just comes off as bad characterization. Perhaps they intended there to be a reason Selyse was so nasty to Shireen earlier such as trying to remain distant because of what she saw in fires, but they need to give more to show that her awfulness to Shireen was a facade or at least show more causation between a vision she saw and the way she acted.
  11. The fuck is she going to do there? She has no combat skills. The end of it was about her finding herself when the dragon started listening to her and she hopped on. There is still time for contemplation on said dragon next week where she sits there talking through these revelations with drogon.
  12. I feel like Sansa went into the room fairly poised but it hadn't really clicked and set in what she was truly in for until she was in the room with Ramsay discussing it prior. This could make it seem like 2 different personalities so to speak when the surprise of reality didn't match her expectations so she wasn't completely prepared to deal with it in this newer way. It's not exactly linear character progression, but I don't think it negates anything either and is fairly realistic.
  13. Gave it a 9. All around really solid episode. I found the best part to be Tyrion and Jorah. They are just outstanding together in the show. I found Arya's story pretty good this week which isn't the norm for me in the show since like season 2. I've dreaded every time we've gone to her since she's been in Bravos. I feel she gets way more screentime than is necessary. As funny as the Hound scenes were and as awesome as he was on the show, their scenes dragged while having little change on their relationship and Arya at a certain point wasn't going to get any darker from the Hound. There was a lot of unnecessary screentime for actor obligations and/or lining up storylines. I realize it's necessary, but still it dragged for prior. Not this week though we actually got to see way more inside, got more insights into Arya and some skills she's developed, and learned a little bit more about the Faceless men's abilities. Opposed to a lot of the reactions I thought the whole Winterfell Gray Wedding or whatever was handled really well. Great mood setting with the lighting and the godswood. I enjoyed the interactions between Sansa and Theon despite their awkwardness. Sansa got a chance to show skills she's developed like picking up on Myranda's infatuation with Ramsay. She also showed a good amount of poise in a bad situation and stood up for herself for the most part. As for the bedding ceremony, you know it's taking place and with Ramsay involved so it's important to show where he is at as far as showing his true self to Sansa. He's still somewhat restrained seemingly. I think it was far more powerful having to witness it. While there is little doubt that Ramsay wasn't being genuine about always being kind to Sansa there was still a slight chance he may have held off a bit longer. It was also disturbing and interesting having Reek stand by. I felt like Ramsay was talking to the audience when he was addressing Reek forcing him to watch. I think watching it from Reek's perspective was a good compromise and it may be a pivot in Reek's progression. King's Landing wasn't great but was serviceable. Dorne was pretty bad. Although that doesn't mean much from me because I don't really like the Dornish plots in the books really either.
  14. Trying to take take him down a peg as he was being far too blunt with his antics and he probably felt Ramsay was too confident with his current position and that it's not that set in stone. May not be the best move in the long run if he intends to have the kid though.
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