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Little Finger's army


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We also have to remember, when we last saw LF and Sansa, it was at the end of Feast. But Dance goes on beyond the timeline of Feast by several months, so they must have been doing something the whole time. Slowly winning over Yohn Royce? Calling in favors from old contacts in Gulltown, etc. most likely. The Vale should be able to field around 40,000 men at full strength. LF probably can't get all of that yet, but at least a good portion of it.

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Little Finger is the only person who continually gains with out losing much. I hope this trends in book 6 and his down fall is in 7

Every other player in the game even if there ahead has lost way more then LF

Not Varys. He's playing the long game and surreptitiously, so he has lost nothing except--rarely--control. Right now with fAegon invading and winning (for the time being),Varys is beginning to win too.

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Leaving aside the Vale, his titles in the Riverlands are hollow. He has to contend with those that hate the Lannisters for what they have done (the same Lannisters that raised LF) and the Freys that want his title. He is lord of Harrenhal, but it really is a worthless title save for the fact that it supposedly makes him a powerful lord. His castle has been occupied by about four different armies that have foraged and ravaged the lands that belong to Harrenhal so people will have fled the land (hence why Clegane drives captives towards it in ACOK), and Clegane the rest to the sword when he retook it from Hoat. The people are dead or fled, and his lands pillaged. Tywin probably had it in his mind to set a figurehead lord that would need generations to consolidate their power, and LF can probably see this.

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Not Varys. He's playing the long game and surreptitiously, so he has lost nothing except--rarely--control. Right now with fAegon invading and winning (for the time being),Varys is beginning to win too.

Varys lost more then LF, He lost a huge asset. He lost his position of power in KL, he can no longer whisper in lords and ladies ears and manipulate them as needed for his end game. Yes varys is still ashed in the game but compared to LF he is behind. LF has pretty much gained everything while losing nothing.

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Varys lost more then LF, He lost a huge asset. He lost his position of power in KL, he can no longer whisper in lords and ladies ears and manipulate them as needed for his end game. Yes varys is still ashed in the game but compared to LF he is behind. LF has pretty much gained everything while losing nothing.

He lost the girl........

And got a new one. :)

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Leaving aside the Vale, his titles in the Riverlands are hollow. He has to contend with those that hate the Lannisters for what they have done (the same Lannisters that raised LF) and the Freys that want his title. He is lord of Harrenhal, but it really is a worthless title save for the fact that it supposedly makes him a powerful lord. His castle has been occupied by about four different armies that have foraged and ravaged the lands that belong to Harrenhal so people will have fled the land (hence why Clegane drives captives towards it in ACOK), and Clegane the rest to the sword when he retook it from Hoat. The people are dead or fled, and his lands pillaged. Tywin probably had it in his mind to set a figurehead lord that would need generations to consolidate their power, and LF can probably see this.

LF only wanted the title of Lord of Harrenhal so he would be a great enough lord to marry Lysa, who he had carried on an affair for decades. He didn't need the Riverlands because he knew he could effectively rule the Vale by making it official with Lysa. My only question is if he planned to kill Lysa early or later in the marriage?

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LF only wanted the title of Lord of Harrenhal so he would be a great enough lord to marry Lysa, who he had carried on an affair for decades. He didn't need the Riverlands because he knew he could effectively rule the Vale by making it official with Lysa. My only question is if he planned to kill Lysa early or later in the marriage?

I am sure he was planning on later but she was just crazy and he wanted to sansa

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LF only wanted the title of Lord of Harrenhal so he would be a great enough lord to marry Lysa, who he had carried on an affair for decades. He didn't need the Riverlands because he knew he could effectively rule the Vale by making it official with Lysa. My only question is if he planned to kill Lysa early or later in the marriage?

I know.... I even mention it:

He is lord of Harrenhal, but it really is a worthless title save for the fact that it supposedly makes him a powerful lord.

It gives him status. Someone mentioned that he could raise like ten thousand men from the Riverlands, but this is obviously not the case.

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If they wanted to keep the Kings Peace, they would. But if he called the banners, it would have to be in service to the Iron Throne, or they would all ignore it. In addition, LF would need to get some commanders close to him so that his title has more physical weight behind it. But the hold would be tenuous either way. Emmon Frey already doesn't like that he, though being Lord of Riverrun, still has to hypothetically bend the knee to someone like Baelish. Tytos Blackwood was the last bastion of Robb's rebellion and could cause much friction. Walder Frey is... Walder Frey. And many other houses of the Riverlands are all but smashed to bits, their young lords dead and most of their strength gone. What men remain are failing in scraping together a last harvest for their empty and pillaged stores.

The Vale is currently of far more interest to him than the Riverlands.

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LF got an army of two - Kettleblack and Brune.

SR got an army of at least 40,000. And the Riverlands would yield at least 10,000 as well - but they aren't what you'd call LF's best and loyal friends.

Dont forget Ser Byron, Ser Morgarth, and Ser Shadrich. It's an army of five!

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LF got an army of two - Kettleblack and Brune.

SR got an army of at least 40,000. And the Riverlands would yield at least 10,000 as well - but they aren't what you'd call LF's best and loyal friends.

and these two might turm against him.

LF has money and empty titles. No army.

i don't even think he has the money (in other words he stole it from the iron bank)

Varys lost more then LF, He lost a huge asset. He lost his position of power in KL, he can no longer whisper in lords and ladies ears and manipulate them as needed for his end game. Yes varys is still ashed in the game but compared to LF he is behind. LF has pretty much gained everything while losing nothing.

he lost his seat in the council. oh wait no big loss

I know.... I even mention it:

It gives him status. Someone mentioned that he could raise like ten thousand men from the Riverlands, but this is obviously not the case.

it bind him and makes him a lackkey and a puppet.

Dont forget Ser Byron, Ser Morgarth, and Ser Shadrich. It's an army of five!

four or less shadrich is the spider's man

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