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How did Jorah sell people into slavery?


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There is probably a slave triangle type trade. The boats selling luxury goods in Westeros are probably slave ships as well.

Ships buy slaves in Meereen, They sell them in Volantis.

They buy luxury goods in Volantis, they sell them on the west coast of Westeros (mainly at Lannisport).

They get good quality gold form selling in Lannisport and use it to buy slaves in Meereen and maybe sell the Meereenese some Westeros goods.

At every stage they are making a profit, buying cheap and selling steep. They can just keep going round and round until they get very rich.

Oldtown and the Reach are on the western coast to, so that's another reason to visit that side of the continent.

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You do realize that in-universe, nobody expected anyone to turn into a mindless zombie anywhere? It came as quite a surprise to the NW, and people south of the Wall generally still don't believe this is a real possibility.

true, but I'm basing this on given what we know not the characters

both faits seem to suck equally if you ask me. I mean just look how many guys in The Night's Watch have died horrible deaths in this series

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