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Heresy 110

Black Crow

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Part II There Must Always Be A Stark in Winterfell

I believe it has to do with warging, and the idea that we’ve worked through in the Heresy threads (early 100’s) that the wolf and the man are a part of each other. Warging, magically speaking, is the place on the map where the wolf, the man and the Stark come together, a kind of Heaney-esque cauldron where these elements mingle with the past and memory. I think this is why the saying arose, There must always be a Stark in Winterfell (AGOT, 6, Catelyn). The bones are already there in Winterfell. They require a Stark in order to hear them speaking. The old kings are rather surprised to discover Jon in their midst, but he hears them all the same.

Very cool essay! I love Heaney too.

It would make sense that Jon would be accepted by the bones if he is to become the new King of Winter. Not sure why they would if he has Targ blood in him, unless the bones know more than the living.

Have you read Bringing Up the Bones? This reminds me of that.

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Holy shite... you guys were right.

THOUGH... I am pleased to see that the Heart of Winter is a real place/thing. I knew it. Take that all non-believers.

You guys were spot on w/ craster... I concede that humbly. What created the king one? Or more like he's the one that sleeps for thousands of years...queen bee esque?

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Well, tonight's show was rather excellent. It effectively confirms an old heresy theory. Since this post is being made so early, have some spoiler tags...


are craster's children. Or else they were taken as babies from other people as well. There seems to be at least 14 of them...

Edit: We finally found ghost too....

EDIT: I'm not sure why the spoiler tags are malfunctioning....

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I am STUNNED. Still reeeeeeling as well. Wild and crazy shit right there...

I do not blame d & d...

If anyone is to blame, it is GRRM for not giving us anything close to a reveal of the main antagonist after some 7000 pages.

If you look, the castle had the borealis around it... like the curtain of light bran saw in Bran III. Awesome.

King other looked like he was wearing a surcoat.

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Does anyone else feel like the plot in the north has slowed to a crawl? It just seems like they are trying really really hard to make the battle on the wall into the penultimate episode, and in doing so, they are making the plots more obsurd. Deserters from the nights watch keeping 2 direwolfs, 3 children, and a halfwit hostage? Mance has the slowest moving army in history? Wildlings south of the wall enjoying their vacation? It just seems to be a little bit contrived...

It seems that coldhands has been cut from the plot completely....

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True Frey,

This ain't the books, but I watch it every week!

I'm not saying the show's bad, but you stated it very accurately when you said this ain't the books. And it seems to be devolving further and further from the books. Which is why I'm surprised that so many posters on here are still using this show as confirmation for theories. I think we're going to have to accept the fact that the books and the shows are now telling different stories, and there may be parallels between the two but there might not be as well.

And g'dmt, Ghost is not supposed to verbally growl, what the heck.

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I try to examine it with different glasses, I can see why they are doing what they are doing for the audience and the medium. That being said, I think it will hug the coast of the books, but venture out once in awhile.

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