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Differing Westerosi Accents

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As a Yorkshireman, and as the Starks are very transparently based off the house of York, I must insist the accent of the North, or at least Winterfell, is how it is in the show. The North's huge though. There could be dozens of different accents in that kingdom alone.

As a side note, it always bothered me how Davos is meant to have grown up in King's Landing, where everyone generally has quite distinct London accents, yet he sounds as if he were from the most northern major city in England.

And I have no idea what Littlefinger's meant to sound like. That guy butchered Littlefinger for me.

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But yeah, the Martells and Dornish, but especially the Martells, speak with a vaguely spanish accent. It's weird, i can heard Arianne or Oberyn with what passes for a Spanish accent in my head, but not Drink or for that matter, Ser Arthur Dayne.

Keep in mind the Martells are salty Dornishmen, while the Daynes and Drinkwaters are stony Dornishmen less influenced by the Rhoynar. While I think GRRM has only mentioned a Dornish drawl before, I wouldn't be surprised if there are different accents throughout Dorne.

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I've been influenced by the tv series since i've seen it. Tyrion sounds like he does on TV and people from Winterfell tend to sound like they come from Sheffield. However, in general the other Northerners tend to sound more Scottish, and if i really concentrate that works anybody north of Winterfell, Ned works for me with a scottish accent.

If anything the people from the Vale might sound a bit Welsh, i reckon i could read Timmett, Shagga and co with a welsh accent.

Catelyn and Littlefinger don't sound at all Irish in my head, still. In general, most of the Westerosi nobility sound upper class, "Queen's" or "BBC" English, including the Tyrells, Baratheons, Lannisters and Tullys. Lower classes either come out in cod "yokel" accents (think Sam Gamgee in the LOTR movies)if they come from the country or if they come from King's Landing, they sound like they're on Eastenders. TV Gendry's accent is about right, and i extend it to people like Davos and Dunk.

But yeah, the Martells and Dornish, but especially the Martells, speak with a vaguely spanish accent. It's weird, i can heard Arianne or Oberyn with what passes for a Spanish accent in my head, but not Drink or for that matter, Ser Arthur Dayne.

People in Essos get "foreign" accents, which is just a mish-mash of random european accents, with a bit of the West Indies thrown in for good measure.

And for some reason, Roose Bolton sounds like Roger Moore.

I'm not sure about Scouse Manderly....(thinks of Wylla Manderly voiced by Cilla Black...shivers....), but i dunno, i work with a guy with a soft Liverpool accent and he could voice Wyman Manderly. However i think Westeros needs more Geordies...ah, there's Bronn...

White harbour, the northern port. Key trade root and defence location. Looked at with suspicion by their countrymen for being a bit different. Ethnically a little off the rest of the north because people come into the port and the Manderleys come from elsewhere like Liverpool is half Irish. White harbour is filled with scousers.

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As a Yorkshireman, and as the Starks are very transparently based off the house of York, I must insist the accent of the North, or at least Winterfell, is how it is in the show. The North's huge though. There could be dozens of different accents in that kingdom alone.

As a side note, it always bothered me how Davos is meant to have grown up in King's Landing, where everyone generally has quite distinct London accents, yet he sounds as if he were from the most northern major city in England.

And I have no idea what Littlefinger's meant to sound like. That guy butchered Littlefinger for me.

I think the actor has pretty much given up on Littlefinger's accent at this point. It became more and more Irish as s4 progressed.

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