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Why did the Iron Bank support Stannis?

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I'm a Stannis fan myself by would the Iron Bank choose to support him so quickly?

To them he seems like the man with the worst odds ie, army is starving, freezing to death in blizzard, outnumbered etc.

From the Iron Bank's perspective Stannis' campaign isn't looking too good and there are many others in much better situations.

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I agree with SunflashJT.

As far as the bank is concerned, Stannis is their best hope of getting their money back. Although we can't rule out a conspiracy, this is ASOIAF after all.

The show makes it appear as if they did that because they could no longer rely on Tywin. In the book, they seek Stannis after Tywin's death. I wonder what their policy will be once Aegon gets poised to take the throne.

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What chances are there of Aegon accepting the usurper's debts? Or Dany for that matter?

No idea about Aegon's nature. Dany won't pay them back.

But it seems to me that the king/queen of Westeros is going to need lot of money, to prepare for winter. I guess they will need to get into an agreement with the Iron Bank, to pay back slowly but give some money for survival.

Do you think the Iron bank will put all their eggs in one basket? Can they support another claimant secretly? So whoever wins, they get their money back.

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There is no other basket is the point. Lannisters won't pay, Dany won't pay and it's very unlikely Aegon would pay.

There's a chance Westeros might get cashed up from Dany bringing with her the wealth of the cities she sacks on the way West. Dany herself isn't going to need the IB.

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Yet another thing that is LFs fault lol. If it wasn't for that conniving bastard we wouldn't have much of a story

Dany would reply by being like your lucky I don't come and burn your city to the ground, Aegon actually might I feel, if for nothing else but to look better in the eyes of the whole world.

Stannis seems the only one who would honor such an agreement. Whether he is the only one or not, only the others taking the throne would show.

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I'm surprised Varys or Magister Illyrio didn't approach the Iron Bank with his "Aegon" contingency.

Given that Illyrio Morpathis is a leading citizen of Pentos, a city Braavos recently went to war with in the last decade and is secretly acting in breach the terms of the treaty that ended that war (ie keeping slaves) in his own house rather suggests maybe Illyrio isn't exactly fond of the Braavosi. There is also a hint from Tycho Nestoris' comment 'Don't joke about dragons' and Braavos' history of rebelling the Valyrian empire that the Braavosi are maybe not exactly fond of the Targaryens in general.

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Given that Illyrio Morpathis is a leading citizen of Pentos, a city Braavos recently went to war with in the last decade and is secretly acting in breach the terms of the treaty that ended that war (ie keeping slaves) in his own house rather suggests maybe Illyrio isn't exactly fond of the Braavosi. There is also a hint from Tycho Nestoris' comment 'Don't joke about dragons' and Braavos' history of rebelling the Valyrian empire that the Braavosi are maybe not exactly fond of the Targaryens in general.

Makes sense in that context. I forgot about the war between Pentos and Braavos.

What makes you think the fat man is struggling for coin such that he'd need the IB?

Only an idiot would expose his entire wealth to a risky endeavor like this. In addition, I doubt he has the kind of wealth needed to run a military expedition in a foreign land for a protected amount of time while maintaining his holdings in Pentos.

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Makes sense in that context. I forgot about the war between Pentos and Braavos.

Only an idiot would expose his entire wealth to a risky endeavor like this. In addition, I doubt he has the kind of wealth needed to run a military expedition in a foreign land for a protected amount of time while maintaining his holdings in Pentos.

He has no kids and just because he doesn't spend a lot of time on the toilet doesn't mean he isn't in poor health. Also, gamblers (the smart ones) keep a bank roll, essentially a place they can retreat to if their luck goes bad. Just because he throws a lot of money at this venture does not mean Illyrio's businesses will suddenly fail.

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Makes sense in that context. I forgot about the war between Pentos and Braavos.

Only an idiot would expose his entire wealth to a risky endeavor like this. In addition, I doubt he has the kind of wealth needed to run a military expedition in a foreign land for a protected amount of time while maintaining his holdings in Pentos.

The GC and Dothraki are self supporting. This "endeavour" was 15 years in the making and perhaps longer thought out, it's not an offhand investment, it's basically a life's work. Bringing in the IB exposes them to a huge debt in the long term for a short term gain there's no evidence they need.
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