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I actually wanted to start a new thread but this one seemed worthy of a revival. My own problem is not anxiety but severe depression, Major Depression Disorder to be exact. I've been trying this new medication (my doctor and I are still trying to find the right one I guess) but it just makes me sleepy and constipated (I've come to learn the TV ads lied to me, it's not a problem that only plagues women). Other main side effects include the following:

  • I don't enjoy reading as much as I used to; I grow impatient.

I suddenly crave meat (been a vegetarian 4 years and never craved it before this medication)

Loss of appetite

Always exhausted

Frequent headaches

I had insomnia in the beginning but not so much now

I guess I'm asking if anyone has dealt with depression or knows someone who has and has suggestions. (I'm starting yoga today in hopes it will help, so that's already covered. I also want to start jogging since that's helped in the past but only for a while).

Your help would be much appreciated.

Exercise is the difference for me. If I didn't go to the gym regularly I would probably have lost my mind ages ago. Gives me something else to think about other than being sad... try and find an activity you enjoy(I know this seems broad as fuck but it can be different for everyone) and just do it as much as possible. I sometimes take this too far and prioritise the gym over everything else but thats another story.

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Thank you for sharing Yersinia...in my experience what is really bad with meds is that I think they changed my personality while I was taking them, plus I don't remember almost anything of the period I was taking them. To all extents another person lived my life all those years.

Now I have been taking only sleeping pills for 10 years.

This year 2014 is very bad again for me but I don't want to take meds...

I don't know if I am saying something of any help to anyone...

I wish well to all of you.

This forum is keeping me alive, really...I'd like to give you something back

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Thanks a lot for all the kind words, guys! It really helps. Honestly. I really appreciated it.

With doing the little things, my 13 year old brother is in a school drama/play production and he asked me to run his lines with him. Those were some of the calmest moments I've had this entire year. I realised just how much I love that little guy and it became easier not to just give in. Then we played games, started piecing together a 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle...that kind of stuff. I felt calm again.The little things help (like washing my hair).

(Lol, I worry my brother is being typecast; He's always the villain in these things).

Thanks again. Especially for sharing all your stories.

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Exercise and meditation are so often suggested that I fear people blow the suggestions off.

Honestly, those things can be life savers for people with anxiety. I suffer from severe anxiety and I wouldn't be able to function when going out in public if I didn't stick to a daily routine of both of those things.

Please don't underestimate the power of working out the body and learning to relax the mind. It can truly put you in a better place.

I really wish you all the luck on overcoming this! :)

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