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Possible TWOW reveal?


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A WoW release date would be the most desired piece of information but extremely unlikely, I believe George is attending mostly to promote The WOIAF book, The House of the Worm comic adaption and for the Game of Thrones panel but we could likely get some new info on WoW during the Q&A.

Regarding the WoW release I've heard rumours that it could get released next year but only part 1 of the book, the reason for this could be an agreement with HBO to counter the show overtaking the books, not unlikely but I'd take this rumour with a grain of salt.

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I agree that he's likelier to promote the World book than anything else. However, it also seems likelier that once that's out (and it's only a few months off), WoW stuff will be at the forefront. I don't think he's going to cannibalize the buzz for one book by giving away too much more of another. But once the World book's released, WoW should be next on the docket. The DotD novellas are both out already and he's paused D&E. WoW should be pretty much it.

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I agree that he's likelier to promote the World book than anything else. However, it also seems likelier that once that's out (and it's only a few months off), WoW stuff will be at the forefront. I don't think he's going to cannibalize the buzz for one book by giving away too much more of another. But once the World book's released, WoW should be next on the docket. The DotD novellas are both out already and he's paused D&E. WoW should be pretty much it.

Kinda off topic, but is there anyway I can purchase the DotD novellas by themselves because I can only find them in the "Rogues" book and "dangerous women books" and they are in there along with other novellas

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A small part of me believes we are getting a huge update on Winds of Winter maybe not a release date, but some confirmation that a release date is on the horizon. At the August 19th event with Robin Hobb I mean not San Diego Comic Con. That I feel we will get a bunch of casting announcements for season 5.

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I think next years comic-con would be an ideal time & place for a WoW release date.

Right off the heels of season 5, then bam. Delaying the show taking over the books one more year(and getting a ***** load of publicity & sales).

This year however, nah. Unfortunately not. :frown5:

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