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Why Stannis can never win the Iron Throne

Fury Burns

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That is true. I don't how she would mess it up. It's not like the "Arya" vision... Has she even been to KL? She probably doesn't even know what the Iron Throne looks like. Well darn.

Well, she messed up the vision that we saw. She asks "Lord, show me your instrument", is shown Jon Snow and then says "man, why does he keep showing me Jon Snow when I keep asking for Azor Ahai?"

If she had made her mind up about Stannis, then she will see what she wants to see.

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Well, she messed up the vision that we saw. She asks "Lord, show me your instrument", is shown Jon Snow and then says "man, why does he keep showing me Jon Snow when I keep asking for Azor Ahai?"

If she had made her mind up about Stannis, then she will see what she wants to see.

To be fair, this could be the case of GRRM trying to trick us.

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To be fair, this could be the case of GRRM trying to trick us.

As GRRM has stated--he does not lie, which means that the clues are not false clues. As GRRM put it--if all the clues point to the butler, he won't have the maid be the killer--that would be lying in his view. Now of course there are red herrings, so clues that suggest one thing might not really mean what they seem to mean. So maybe this is a red herring, but I don't see how.

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To be fair, this could be the case of GRRM trying to trick us.

I would believe that if Melisandre had realized what she saw and said "Oh, of course, it's Jon Snow!" The fact that she didn't figure it out leads me to think that it is him.

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Stannis never struck me as a serious contender for the throne. I look at his wife, his daughter, his life-long list of grievances and I just don't see a *winner*. Everything he wants always seems right out if his reach. He doesn't get first place, ever.

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Given the sudden influx of Sparrows and rising power of the Faith, its unlikely the common folk would accept Stannis and his Red God for their King. And before anyone makes the "the smallfolk don't matter!" I will point out that they certainly mattered to Rhaenyra, and she had dragons.


No, she didn't.

Was is Axell Florent who "saw" that?

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I don't know how to explain it but when I think about Stannis on the Iron Throne while the Others invade or even after... it just feels right.

Imagine you're reading a book about the Roman Empire in the III-rd century or about the Eastern

Roman Empire during the VII-IX century or any country during or after a time of crisis (France after Argincourt, or before Valmy, Russia during the Civil War...) . Now think of Stannis.

It just feels like the kind of character that would end up on top of things and clean all the mess. It's just a feeling though.

Anyway, we shoudn't search for clues in the show.

Regarding Stannis: he actually has a chance to end up the IT. It's a far shot but we might see him end as Stannis I but it all depends on how the Battle for Winterfell ends.

Totally spot on. This is why I think there is a hope for Stannis.

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