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Warged by Bloodraven: List

Hos the Hostage

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A few others I've been knocking around:

In Dany's HotU vision, Pyet Pree's face "crumbled inward, changing to something pale and wormlike" and Drogon "flew to the top of the ebony-and-weirwood door, perched there, and began to bite at the carved wood." ACoK.

And in the infamous Red Wedding chapter, "Ten fierce ravens were raking her face with sharp talons and tearing off strips of flesh, leaving deep furrows that ran red with blood....The white tears and the red ones ran together until her face was torn and tattered...Slow red worms crawled along her arms and under her clothes."

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  • 2 weeks later...

All of this is fascinating, of course, and I'm really grateful to have this thoughtful list to think about. But seeing Bloodraven at the heart of things so often gets a little oppressive. Can he really know everything? Is the story as interesting if in fact he already knows everything and is calling the shots?

On the one hand "a million eyes, and one" does hint that he DOES know everything, so Martin may be telling us pretty plainly how to read his character. ON the other hand, his knowledge makes him too much of a deus ex machina, a literary move that Martin resists.

I'm unsettled by all of this!

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  • 2 months later...

Ghost of Highheart and her description is very similar to Jon's direwolf Ghost.

Arya spied the small pale shape creeping behind the horses, thin white hair flying wild as she leaned upon a gnarled cane. The woman could not have been more than three feet tall. The firelight made her eyes gleam as red as the eyes of Jon’s wolf. She squinted at them with eyes like hot coals.

I am also considering the idea that BR can use all black animals which would include the thin black dog that sniffed at Joff's body at the wedding feast.

Sandor's black horse "Stranger".

Brienne also rode a black stallion when she was with Renly and participated in the tournament the blue knight that beat the flower knight.

Other interesting possibilities, perhaps crackpot. Several characters have locks of hair that fall over one eye.

Lazy Leo Tyrell A lock of his ash-blond hair fell down across one eye.

Mya Stone Mya’s hair tumbled across her cheek, hiding one eye.

Cersei a tear glistened in one eye

Pod a sty beneath one eye

Hodor walked with one eye frozen shut

Euron Crowseye A tall twisted thing with one black eye and ten long arms, sailing on a sea of blood

Blood Raven face with one red eye

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Casso the Seal is basically fat, dumb, and happy. I've always assumed he is being warged by (and is the second life of ) Robert Baratheon. :drunk:

Balerion the cat:

The idea some people have that the cat led Arya to Illyrio and Varys is incorrect. (It is HBO only.) In the books (aGot), Arya chased the cat down a dead end, caught it and kissed it, then let it go when she was spotted by Myrcella and Tommen. She was not following the cat when she made her escape, got lost, found the dragon skull room, and then saw Illrio and Varys.

Another interesting tidbit about the cat is that it brushed up against Sansa as she made her way to the godswood to meet Dontos for the first time. (Sansa II, aCoK). When she later has her "flowering nightmare", some of the dream imagery recalls Rhaenys' death (being repeatedly stabbed in the abdomen). BR may be warging Balerion, but I suspect that there's a little piece of Rhaenys in the cat as well. This is documented as being possible, as Bran wargs ravens that still have CotF second lifers inside them.

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