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Bumping for TWOW V2.

Littlefingers In The Air

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We are bumping to show our solidarity with and support for the author. And out of a feigned superstition that our bumping somehow makes the release of the book more likely to occur. It's like watching you favorite team play because if you don't, they'll lose.

Also, you know, we're bored.

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The journeys of Tyrion Lannister continued:

in Tyrion 4, AGOT, Chiggen is gutting Tyrion's horse which was a nameday present to Tyrion from Jamie. The poor horse died on the hard road to the Eyrie. Chiggen and Bronn eat happily and tell Tyrion he should eat too. They mention that the Dothraki prefer horse meat to any other. He reflects sourly that the Dothraki also leave crippled children out for the dog pack that follows the khalassar and thinks he'd rather not have anything to do with the Dothraki, thank you very much.

Fast forward to the end of ADWD and we have:

a. Tyrion trying to join up with Dany

b. Dany & Drogon appearing poised to take themselves a khalasssar

c. the distinct possibility that in TWOW, Tyrion will find himself living with & riding with a khalassar on the Dothraki Sea.

Don't you love how GRRM brings things full circle? I do. :)

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