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What about white immigrant?

Lady Winter Rose

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I'm starting to think about immigration to countries like Sweden or Denmark. But they started to hate immigrants. Do they hate all immigrant, or only Muslim?

I'm white, Croatian, I look like Italian or Greek. I'm also atheist, form Catholic background. I study information science.

Reason for immigration - I feel Catholic Church has too much power in Croatia and I feel education is awful.

Would I get discrimination problems if I move to Denmark or Sweden?

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As a Norwegian, this hurts my feelings. Sweden and Denmark, feh... What do they have that Norway hasn't got, huh? :P

More seriously, it is extremely unlikely that you'd be actively persecuted. Once in a while some moron might say stupid stuff, but that might happen anywhere. Mostly, people are nice, or at least neutral.

It might be a challenge to work or study until you know the language though, but again, this would be the same anywhere else.

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At least in Sweden most surveys show that people in general are getting less racist, not more. The loud, obnoxious minority may be louder and more obnoxious than before, but in terms of actual attitudes and opinions, less people are negative to having an immigrant as a neighbour, or a collegue, or a member of their extended family. These long-term trends have been going in the same direction for pretty much as long as they have been measured.

I don't know about Norway and Denmark. At least in Denmark racism seems to be considerably more prevalent, but I haven't really looked at it.

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So, basically, I will be seen as any other immigrant, both Muslim and Catholic/Atheist? I though people are racist only to people of color or/and Muslim.

Well, so far as racists harassing people on the street/internet go, they're likely to pick those who "look different". Usually not Mensa-material, that lot.

What issues you might face regarding employment and such, seeing as you don't speak the language (and sorry for saying so, but your English seems a bit shaky as well), might not be racially motivated, but will be as an indirect consequence of not being a native.

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