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R+L=J v.130

Jon Weirgaryen

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What in the sample chapter suggests Tyrion will ride Viserion?

He picks up the white dragon cyvasse piece.

But Dany Promised Jorah that she would forge him a sword such as the world had never seen... Which makes sense as Jorah's dad gave his family sword away to Jon...

& Jorah's Dad's final wish was for Jorah to take the Black...

Nope, Jorah survives the series...

Holy shit we agree on something.

ETA: well, okay, I think he might die in the very very end, but not in Meereen. The foreshadowing that he gets home is far stronger than him dying in Meereen.

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He picks up the white dragon cyvasse piece.

That does not mean he will fly Viserion.. :)

Tyrion holds a black dragon when playing against Aegon, and a white dragon when playing again Qavo.

Shamelessly self promoting here, an essay on colour symbolism in cyvsse


If you don't want to read the whole thing, but only the Tyrion concerning parts (if you wish to read it at all), I'd suggest the part titled "The importance of colour" to be read first. Only the top part of that part, even.

I'm not saying that there might be double symbolism going on where cyvasse is concerned, but as far as the black and white part of it goes, there's a clear pattern..

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Yep. Second lives for wargs and skinchangers happen when their bodies die. Bran didn't move on to Summer because he still lived. Varamyr did die and moved on to his wolf. Orell died and moved on to his eagle.

It seems a lot of people want Jon to live and have a second life at the same time.

If he can warg Ghost when he's sleeping (ie: unconscious), then's what's to stop him from doing it while he's, you know- unconscious?
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