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Why do so many people think Bloodraven is bad?


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I'm not so sure he is entirely good news. I think he is on the side of humanity or at least at the side of balance or whatever, but from what I've read about him in TWoIaF I kinda expect him to have some terrible plan like sacrificing thousands of people for blood magic or something like that.

I mean, he's the guy who had his nephew murdered after he offered him safe passage (i.e., pretty much kinslaying and breaking of guest right at the same time) and turned the country into a police state, where people were wondering all the time whether a spy of his isn't nearby and doesn't listen to their conversation. I'm willing to give him pass for the latter since he was ruling during such a troubled time and there were plots against the king, but the former is pretty disquieting. Both kinslaying and breaking of the guest right had been introduced as taboos and people who commit them as cursed, so... hard to say.

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He was a strange looking albino who was known to practice sorcery. He gathered intelligence through secret methods. He acted ruthless when necessary and killed his own relatives on more than one occasion because he believed it served to protect the Kingdom and the Targaryen dynasty. But he must have been able to convince people that he wasn't all bad. Two kings appointed him as their Hand. And once at the wall he was soon elected to the title of Lord Commander.

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I feel like a lot of the revulsion stems from the creepy atmospheric writing in ADWD. Im not firmly in the Jojenpaste camp, yet those Bran chapters are among the spookiest in the whole series. Not to say BR is not a shady spy master and kinslayer who has earned his rep. Anyway BR's journey from LC of the Nightwatch into the Last Greenseer is one of the most compelling mysteries that we may never really know.

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