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ASoIaF 20 Questions #107

Jon's Queen Consort

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Hint: "formally right, factually a mockery" (© Vladimir Lenin)

1. words/event.

2. words.

3. Not by a PoV.

4. Not during 5 books... but during 5 books. Ask a better question?

5. Said in Westeros.

6.Not a title.

Minor hint: something of a kind of "it's proper to behave this way".

7. NotN.
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Hint: "formally right, factually a mockery" (© Vladimir Lenin)

1. words/event.

2. words.

3. Not by a PoV.

4. Not during 5 books... but during 5 books. Ask a better question?

5. Said in Westeros.

6.Not a title.

Minor hint: something of a kind of "it's proper to behave this way".

7. NotN.

8. Nothing to do with guest right.

9. Nothing to do with Wyman and/or Davos.

10. SotW.
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Hint: "formally right, factually a mockery" (© Vladimir Lenin)

1. words/event.

2. words.

3. Not by a PoV.

4. Not during 5 books... but during 5 books. Ask a better question?

5. Said in Westeros.

6.Not a title.

Minor hint: something of a kind of "it's proper to behave this way".

7. NotN.

8. Nothing to do with guest right.

9. Nothing to do with Wyman and/or Davos.

10. SotW.

11+hint. It's general, universal statement (so formally right) but addressed to a single person (and a mockery to this person).

12. Addressed not to a Stark.
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