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Once Upon A Time in the West is best.

I keep on getting Once Upon A Time in the West mixed up with Once Upon a Time in America in my head and getting confused when I see so much praise for it.

West deserves the praise, America does not christ that film dragged

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I wondered if the mods were just going to leave this one live, knowing that all of these posts will be lost when the upgrade takes place.

Perhaps that is for the best. I mean we already have three watch threads out there :p no need for more I say.


I keep on getting Once Upon A Time in the West mixed up with Once Upon a Time in America in my head


:eek:  what :p



I keep on getting Once Upon A Time in the West mixed up with Once Upon a Time in America in my head and getting confused when I see so much praise for it.

West deserves the praise, America does not christ that film dragged

I quite liked some parts of OUTiA, but you are right that that it's nowhere near OUaTitW level of greatness. The film has a couple of great sequences, I particularly liked the telephone ringing scene in the very beginning, the scene in the nursery and the parts with the kids (especially Jennifer Connolly). Plus, there is the added bonus of seeing Lady Corra from Downton Abbey in a totally different role.


That being said, you are right the film drags. The denouement of the plot was pretty stupid I recall. There is also that horrible [spoiler]rape scene in there, that doesn't really serve any purpose[/spoiler]. To top things off, it really hasn't aged well. The Dollar trilogy, A Fistful of Dynamite and Once Upon a Time in the West have aged much more gracefully imo.

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