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Faith's Champion

Richard Writhen

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I wonder whether trial by combat is even allowed with a trial conducted by the faith? normally the trial is there to determine the will of the gods but surely the faith themselves claim to speak for that? It just seems like it would be going to the well once too often for me to have a 3rd big trial by combat.

Frankengregor sent to slaughter the faith generally seems more likely to me.

Well, there was Sandor's trial by combat with Beric. Even though it was technically R'hllor and not the 7, I would imagine Beric would be following traditions in Westeros and the 7 as opposed to R'hllor. However, when did anything have to make sense in GOT? If D&D want a trial by combat, they will have one.

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Lancel has never shown himself to be any kind of warrior, so I'd rule him out.

I'm sure that trial by combat is entirely legitimate to the Faith, the whole point of trial by combat is that the Seven will guide the hand of the righteous and protect the innocent.

I have no idea who the Faith will put up against Strong in the books, but I think the TV show will go with CLEGANEBOWL.

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There's the trial of the seven, the one that ser duncan the tall and aegon V participated

"The trial of seven is a form of trial by combat an offended party can demand during trial. It is linked to the Faith of the Seven and Andal tradition.

The Andals believed that if seven champions fought on each side, the gods thus honored would be more likely to see justice done. If a man cannot find six others to stand with him, then he is obviously guilty."

So if the faith supported this kind of trial, They will support a trial by combat, thought i would like to put my tinfoil hat again and say that maeby, the tyrells wi request this trial and tommen will side with them, just like aegon did for duncan, watch tommen turn on cersei would be poetic justice

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I do think the legendary fighter will be a Ser Arthur Dayne flashback/dream.

But it's not unsupposable tat the Faith call on a 'paragon of Knighthood' to tackle the Mountain.

The only 'paragon og knighthood' the show had was barristan selmy, and they killed him, must be the sword of the morning, and the scene a flashback of TOJ

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The only 'paragon og knighthood' the show had was barristan selmy, and they killed him, must be the sword of the morning, and the scene a flashback of TOJ

The programme had, yes, this is a casting breakdown for a new part which is introduced next year. I am 90% with the Tower of Joy flashback, but it is not illogical or impossible it could be a contender in any proposed, Trial by Combat.

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No trial. Cersei is not in the cells of the High Sparrow with no army or support, she's back in the castle, safe, with The Mountain and her army. She can kill Pycelle and Kevan if they oppose her and get rid of the High Sparrow and all his fanatics.

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Mad judeo-christian-biblical overtones this season.

1. Jon Snow and another beloved historical character who is supposed to return :bowdown:

2. Fallularia and her Judas kiss...

So why is Lancel/Strong = David/Goliath such a stretch? If Oberyn/Gregor was Speed/Strength, maybe the new matchup will be Craftiness vs. Perseverance...

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No trial. Cersei is not in the cells of the High Sparrow with no army or support, she's back in the castle, safe, with The Mountain and her army. She can kill Pycelle and Kevan if they oppose her and get rid of the High Sparrow and all his fanatics.

How can she kill Pycelle and Kevan? Where does her power come from? All she has left is Qyburn, and his true loyalty is suspect.
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Hodor is Arthur Dayne. He's been hiding in plain sight this whole time.

It is known.

I think Lancel or Loras will be the Faith's champion: Loras owes them sth and Lancel seems to be a very convinced jihadist these days. This would save them the explanation why the Hound survived his wounds etc.

Nevertheless, I hope Sandor will be the Champion.

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Lancel is possible. But HBO HS doesn't seem so blinded by his Faith (BTW, very good cast for the HS). Because Lancel has zero chance against Strong.

I could see the HS using Loras. He is the only mighty warrior available and he could convince him to fight Strong. OK, he is not a Faith militant, but the HS knows Loras and her sister faults are minor compared to Cersei's. Their freedom against Cersei.

Or the HS could use his own "Mountain", hidden somewhere. Yes, maybe Sandor. If not, if he is a complete stranger, IMO it would be completely lame.

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Lancel is possible. But HBO HS doesn't seem so blinded by his Faith (BTW, very good cast for the HS). Because Lancel has zero chance against Strong.

I could see the HS using Loras. He is the only mighty warrior available and he could convince him to fight Strong. OK, he is not a Faith militant, but the HS knows Loras and her sister faults are minor compared to Cersei's. Their freedom against Cersei.

Or the HS could use his own "Mountain", hidden somewhere. Yes, maybe Sandor. If not, if he is a complete stranger, IMO it would be completely lame.

Yeah, I think he will use Loras. Perhaps in a "prove yourself righteous by acting our champion!" kind of way. It would also be kind of funny to see them fight again. Not that last time was a fight, really...

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Then that will be a serious departure. Motivation? Putting Cersei away again?

And not to spoil the books, but Loras is hardly in fighting condition...

I do think putting cersei away is enough motivation, after all the woman just proved to be a threat to his family.

Is even more reason to be concerned, now that i think of.. beware book spoilers below

gregor has a knack for burning (see sandor), and knowing the nature of lora's injuries in the books its not so far fetched that ungregror may give him similar injuries in the show

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Then that will be a serious departure. Motivation? Putting Cersei away again?

And not to spoil the books, but Loras is hardly in fighting condition...

It is a long time they are no more following the books. Loras was not even supposed to be on trial.

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