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Faith's Champion

Richard Writhen

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hes digging graves because he cannot fight until he is fully healed, and it puts food on the table, gives him a place to sleep, repayment for having his life saved, etc.

Yeah, I think I agree, I can't see Sandor as being the sort to go for enlightenment.

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Yeah, I think he will use Loras. Perhaps in a "prove yourself righteous by acting our champion!" kind of way. It would also be kind of funny to see them fight again. Not that last time was a fight, really...

That's what I see coming as well. And let's not forget, he fought the Mountain once before somewhat successfully.

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Lancel. Sandor is the same man who named his horse Stranger, who is said to have his nature, and is clearly not happy to be on the QI in the books (he just bit off the ear of one who tried to geld him). So why would Sandor champion the faith, even if he could? Compound leg fracture on the show, that takes a while to heal. Also when he was dying, he said nothing along the lines of damn, never got to kill my brother. His priorities changed, that was the whole point of his arc.

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He already brought him back. And since most of his story had to do with Sansa (even when he was with Arya, he couldn't stop talking about her), chances are, it will be something to do with her.

Talking about Arya's sister...

"Seven hells. The little sister."

"This one's own sister told the same tale."

"I watched them beat your sister bloody too."

"I never beat your sister," the Hound said.

"Or maybe a sister?" He must have seen something in her face then, for he leaned closer. "Sansa. That's it, isn't it? The wolf bitch wants to kill the pretty bird."

"Well, maybe it does, but I saved your sister's life too... Your sister sang me a sweet little song."

"You'd be dead if I had. You ought to thank me. You ought to sing me a pretty little song, the way your sister did."

"I thought your sister was the one with a head full of songs," the Hound growled.

"The little bird flew away, did she? Well, bloody good for her... A proper little lady. Not like her bloody sister."

"And the little bird, your pretty sister, I stood there in my white cloak and let them beat her."

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I can see it being Loras.

Loras will volunteer to the HS to be the champion, to prove his own innocence, and guilt of Cersei all at once.

Perhaps he will be slaughtered by Sir Robert strong and eliminate his character, and Cersei will flee to Casterly rock after Olenna kills Tommen.

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Ser Robert Strong will quickly kill Lancel or another knight gone fanatic (faith's champion here). Cersei will then try to reinstate herself and do whatever she can to try to get the Tyrells killed, killing one or none of them. Instead of Varys, she will be the one getting Kevan and Pycelle killed. Blood-bathing in the capital.

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What affect would Arthur Dayne have on casual viewers other than confusion? has he even been mentioned in the show? Thoros of Myr will put down the undead Gregor because he was not rasied by the lord of light, he'll see him in the flames and head to KL to kill him...i'm 90% certain none of this will happen because it's faarr too epic for game of thrones. My serious answer is that i do not think the trial will happen as winter has cometh to KL and gregor could turn into an out of control wight because he's a;ready dead, yes infact im now 95% sure that unmountain will now kill Cersei.

They have mentioned ser Arthur Dayne multiple times though I believe the last time he was mentioned was in the S4 premiere when joffery was looking through kingsguard book an dmentioned Ser Arthur Dayne along with the fact that he killed The Smiling Knight so viewers would know him though of course only the viewers that pay attention and analyze and rewatch the show but it's not like they're bringing him up out of nowhere

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