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  1. Yeah. I only speak for myself. But I'm only waiting from GRRM the conclusion of his ASoIaF. I'm OK if it's only a highlight of what he intended to write. In part so that no one can repeat D&D bungling and changing the story to their own preference. I'll watch no TV spinoff, whatever the channel. GRRM himself could be found dead tomorrow, with 100 unpublished D&E novellas under his bed, I would not read them either. ASoIaF and only ASoIaF from GRRM is what matters for me.
  2. This is the other interpretation. If he had really made progress, the mood would not be comtemplative. Maybe he believes ASoIaF was a dream. Only a dream. And will never be a reality.
  3. I don't see how it could be anything else than news about WoW. Unless he is playing with our nerves, the evil man. Not that the book is finished. He said there would be a non ambiguous statement then. But I would believe it means he wrote (or got the idea) of something great about Jon and Lyanna. Thinking about it. If it's 2 years (?) that he didn't make progress, it means he his stuck with some PoV, accounting for about 500 pages of WoW. I would believe the PoVs are Jon, Bran and related. All what happen in the very North. All else is finished and not dependent. For example, Bowen sent ravens telling Jon betrayed the NW and was executed. Nothing else came afterward from the Wall. Everyone south, even WF, assume Bowen is in charge and act all WoW accordingly. Until maybe the Others come down, at the very end. So GRRM could write this part independently. Maybe he was stuck at the beginning, with not a page worth. Or he had drafts, but nothing good for release. Now, he just found the way to lay things and start writing for good. Or he now only needs minor adaptations of his best drafts. Maybe WoW is still far away. But my hope is that a significant hurdle has been overcome. GRRM has never communicated about Jon chapters. Maybe it's the case here... Or it's just me dreaming.
  4. Indeed. That is not great for loyalty. It means Dany is an opportunity. Not that she is his enemy. But he is using her for his own political game. Planing on after she leaves for Westeros. He had no choice, if he wanted to enter Dany's team. The feud was probably a business affair. Unlikely an humanitarianism ideal about freeing slaves.
  5. Nothing is sure. These prophecies are full of death and sacrifices. He could have known believed they both would die. She could have known it too. Only thing sure was Jon was to live.
  6. Stripeback seems (by his whipping) completely opposed to the slavery system. One of your abolitionists. I'm sure Dany has some other true support. The Stalwart Shields, the Mother's Men also seem reliable. But how many are they? Beside, their leaders could be assassinated or killed and replaced by less valorous men. I feel there are less of Stripebacks than of Cleons. Not enough to matter. And what will they do when she abandons them there? Alone to protect Meeren.
  7. Some slaves, yes. Rather the weakest. Not the pit fighters for example. How many were cheering in the pit? Appalling! None of them understand what Dany wants. And Astapor and its council is a sorry example of how much the slaves are united and share her vision of freedom. Some factions of them are probably jostling for power with the old masters and party in the mess.
  8. He did things that had huge consequences. He did them because of prophecies and texts we don't know of. Possibly, he also talked with the Ghost of High Heart He liked to sleep in the ruined hall, beneath the moon and stars, and whenever he came back he would bring a song. When you heard him play his high harp with the silver strings and sing of twilights and tears and the death of kings, you could not but feel that he was singing of himself and those he loved. This is Barristan talking. And you may believe him a fool for what he thought. But I would rather believe Rhaegar knew the Others were coming. And he did what he did according to that. Did his part of the prophecies. Whether he was right or wrong, we need the end of the story to decide. But so far, with what we know, I believe he is largely underrated and misunderstood by most.
  9. I'm not sure, but I would believe the poisoning was not meant to be fatal. Only to incapacitate Dany for a time. To instate a coup, but without removing her. Maybe Skahaz to get rid of Hizdahr. Or the Green Grace to get rid of Skahaz. None of the Ghiscari are loyal to Dany. They all know she will leave Meereen. They are playing their own game of throne, to seize power once she will be gone. They are playing her, one against the others. Counting on her reaction to events. She is the Dragon of the Cyvasse game.
  10. I don't think we have the argument to exclude an hypothesis, if one wants to stick to it. Possibly Bran will have as much power without being joined with the trees. But given that BR and Leaf seemed in a hurry to grow Weirwood seeds inside him, I would rather believe the joining is necessary. Also, given that GRRM introduced this concept of very long life: the God-on-Earth, his sons and heirs, other mythical heroes, the bunch of CotF greenseers still living in the cave, this same potentiality given to Bran (and by a different method for Jon). Given also the fact that in most (or all) GRRM documented histories, chaos and wars always returned after 1 or 2 generations of peace. I feel the need of a (near) immortal "stewardship" to sustain same a duration peace. And thus for Bran to follow the path of the cave's other greenseers as the only choice. And for Jon to remain "undying", whatever "alive" he may still look.
  11. I would not call him lapdog. He is all, but willing to cooperate with the Starks. Which he would have to, if he became a close relative. Then he would truly be a lapdog! IMO, he still wanted to be king. And to pay his crown the Iron price. And still keeping the Old Way. Which he couldn't with the Starks in bed. He wanted the Starks dead. Nothing less.
  12. Balon believed Theon had become a Stark. Ned had stolen his last son and Balon wanted his revenge over the Starks. Not to be brother-in-law with Ned. Marrying Theon to Sansa would not improve the situation. Robb would get nothing that way. IMO Theon never betrayed the Starks. He needed to show the ironborn he was not a Stark, but a Reaver. He planned to give Winterfell back to Bran when he would have control of the ironborn. But he didn't dare to explain his plan Bran or Luwin. And things went awfully wrong.
  13. The chosen ones are not robust, and their quick years upon the earth are few, for every song must have its balance. But once inside the wood they linger long indeed. A thousand eyes, a hundred skins, wisdom deep as the roots of ancient trees. Greenseers. OK Bloodraven lived long, before becoming a Greenseer. But I don't think he developed his powers so young, so strongly. Bran is already a greenseer, I would say his body is even too young and frail to handle so much power, the charge too much for flesh. More so, he is severely disabled, broken. In GRRM world, yes I have 0 faith in humanity. Of course, there are people with good intent. Jon, Dany, Sam, Davos... even Ned. But they are unable to deal with those around them. And even if they achieve peace and prosperity, at a great cost, 1 or 2 generations later, a weak, stupid or mean king will ruin everything. An ambitious lord or brother will seek the opportunity to seize power. He will find scums and discontents, Gregors, Rossarts, Trants, Kettleblack, Freys and men even lower, to partake in the power. The problem is not the few evil men who top the system. It is the multitude of petty men, ready to murder their neighbours for a crumb of power. According to legends, the God-on-Earth kept the Great Empire of the Dawn in check. How? We don't know. But after him, the empire failed and went into chaos. I feel only supernatural powers, god-like powers, not driven by human ambitions and wantings, are necessary to keep humanity in check. The Others are the stick to keep bad men in check. Like unruly, immature children. I'm wondering if our own world is better anchored in goodness. If power is better barred to the wrong men...
  14. Bran will have a very short life otherwise. There will be a price to pay. And it will need time to change men. To forever forget the old time. Hundreds, maybe thousands of years before Bran and Jon can let go. Or when they leave, hell will return. So they must stay as long as possible.
  15. I'm counting on that. If the saviors belong to the old system, Barrisan, Stannis, Randyll Tarly, Victarion and such, even Dany, the shit will continue unabated. If the saviors are Bran, Jon, the Free Folk, ... they could rebuild or change the system. But whoever wants to change the system must be a true living god. Or better, (an) undying one(s), weirwood Bran, undead Jon. Otherwise, the old sins will return and the summer (or spring) will be short. Quite a lot are documented scum, such as Clayton Suggs. And not many that Jame had praise for. How many did Tywin dirty work in the Riverlands? While other where hiding in their castles. Or did and said nothing, only kissing Tywin's butt afterward?
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