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What if Stannis was the younger brother?


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I was just imagining a hypothetical where Renly is born between Robert and Stannis (space ages where necessary). He fights with Robert at Ashford and retreats with him, while Stannis holds Storm's End for a year against the power of the Reach.

Everything basically plays out the way it happens up to the first book, Stannis is Lord of Dragonstone, Master of Ships, Renly Lord of SE and master of Laws (unmarried as as bachelor/lover of Loras). But Stannis is younger.

What happens?

Does he tell Renly about the incest?

Is he shitty about Storm's End?

Does he wipe the floor with all Renly's enemies and secured a golden dynasty?

Other thoughts or discussion welcome.

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If he is still willing to be dutiful younger brother to Renly as he was to Robert, everything is better. Perhaps he does raise his suspicions about the incest earlier, people are more likely to believe him since he does not stand to become heir and he has less incentive to gather strength on Dragonstone.

Probably still shitty about Storm's End, but much less so and Renly can easily assuage him by granting him Storm's End once he takes the throne.

He wipes the floor with Renly enemies and secures a golden coal-black haired dynasty.

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I feel stannis would be a little bit less reserved and dickish a bit more normal so I think he'd still be resentful about storms end but get it since renly did have a better claim being older. Would Robert still wonder why stannis would accuse them of incest because then renlys heir hmm stories completely different if Robert still dies I imagine this stannis goes to renly about the incest and with renly charisma and marital ties and stannis military expertise and not assassinatingrenlyise the baratheon bros clean up and stannis gets a reward maybe Storm's end maybe a fiver idk though this could be my Baratheon bias talking.

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Good catch!

Edit: Renly as King and Stannis as Hand is a pretty powerful combination of Carrot and Stick.

It is more likely Renly would name Mace Tyrell as his hand, which is quite sad.

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Renly claims the throne with the Reach, the Stormlands, and Stannis' men from the narrow sea.

If Renly was still a bachelor, he's marry Margaery, but since in this scenario, Stannis is younger, Renly might have married Selyse. Either way, Renly doesn't have any sons, so Stannis is his heir.

With a massive army and generals such as Stannis Baratheon and Randyl Tarly, Renly takes the throne in no time.

After this, the North is reintegrated in the realm, and the Ironborn are defeated. By the time the wildlings attack, the Iron Throne should be stable enough to support the Wall.

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Renly would have been the rightful heir to the throne. That makes for a pretty big difference.

Yup. If Stannis had the same personality but was the younger, he would've gritted his teeth, supported Renly, and the massive Reach-Stormland army+navy from ACOK would've curbstomped Tyrion at the Blackwater.

Renly would be King, probably would've made Stannis Lord Paramount of the Stormlands as a gift.

Or more likely GRRM would've found some other horrible way to prolong the conflict :P

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