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Margaery's moon tea?


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if by "slut" you mean "omg, I wanna see how many boys I can have sex with because, lol my popularity!", that's not Marg's case. She's smart enough to know how the revelation of her lack of maidenhead can potentially cause a war.


With her, there are two possible explanations:


1. She, indeed, got her hymen broken by many many things besides a penis that can break them. Jeez, even cartwheels can break that thing.


2. Renly.

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Considering moon tea and it's possible uses other than abortions:


In the recipe given by Lysa Tully “tansy and mint and wormwood, a spoon of honey and a drop of pennyroyal”,it is true that all the ingredients can be used to reduce cramps.Also ,they are emmenagogues and taking into account Margeary's company of young maidens who are possibly in the first years of their mentruation, could potentially be used by a girl with an irregular menstrual cycle.The likeliest user is Elinor,who is recently flowered.Truth be told,tansy,wormwood and pennyroyal are highly toxic and not recommended for regular use but perhaps a less potent version of moon tea could be appropriate for a singular case of ammenorhea.

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Considering moon tea and it's possible uses other than abortions:


In the recipe given by Lysa Tully “tansy and mint and wormwood, a spoon of honey and a drop of pennyroyal”,it is true that all the ingredients can be used to reduce cramps.Also ,they are emmenagogues and taking into account Margeary's company of young maidens who are possibly in the first years of their mentruation, could potentially be used by a girl with an irregular menstrual cycle.The likeliest user is Elinor,who is recently flowered.Truth be told,tansy,wormwood and pennyroyal are highly toxic and not recommended for regular use but perhaps a less potent version of moon tea could be appropriate for a singular case of ammenorhea.


That thing Lysa was given was not ordinary moontea, imo. Moontea is drank immediately after sex. As far as I know, those "herbal" contraception beverages are not always effective (although mt always is, it seems). I suppose Hoster gave her something that he knew it NEEDED to work, hence, a strong dose.

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If she requested for it openly, it's likely. Sadly, we haven't yet heard of one case in which Moontea is used for cramps. I kinda feel that, if that had been the intention, Martin would have already introduced the idea of MT being used for other purposes. Of course, it's possible that him being a guy wasn't very aware that contraception can also be used to regulate menstrual periods. Heck, not even many women know it.

Actually we have, in Storm of Swords we are informed of what moontea is made from. It's Tansy tea, a very dangerous herbal tea in the wrong hands. Proper infusion will cause abortion in the herbalist knows what they are doing. To much and you can kill a person. The tea also contains mint pennyroyal. Pennyroyal and Tansy could be used to mitigate upset stomach and abdominal cramps, while Tansy has long been used for digestion and a migraine reliever. Wormwood is also used in the tea, which has long been used for abortion and has medicinal purpose as well. It also is used to create absinthe, and enough of it will get you high. In tea form, it is consumed primarily for stomach pains, lack of appetite, feelings of fullness, gallbladder problems, vomiting and diarrhea.


So while clearly used for abortion in the series a mild form of the tea can have many uses, and Martin clearly picked those herbs for a reason.

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I remember an old discussion about the possibilities of Marie Antoinette and Ferzen being in fact lovers and the conclusion was that they were not. It's one of those "love stories" people love. Personally, I love the couple (specially after the "Rose of Versailles" anime that marked my childhood and path through puberty, heh). But, the truth is that the logistics for them being actually lovers is impossible: the Queen was always in company of ladies and friends, and at least one person should have been able to say "yes, I saw them". It's always rumours.


And I'm not even mentioning the fact that she was a loving wife and mother.


Marg's case it's similar: she's ALWAYS with her ladies, and I'm sure that she's with even more people. Kettleblack said it was IMPOSSIBLE to find one moment to be alone with her. The chances of her having sex with someone are pretty much zero.


The only moment I can think about it's, in fact, during the time in which she was married to Renly.


About Renly, I see how many have mixed the real bookRenly with the mess that he's in the show. In the show, for those who haven't seen it, he's practically horrified of the thought of having sex with a woman, and Marg. had to enlightened him in the basics of human biology. Like, he's unaware that he NEEDS an heir to keep the Tyrell-Baratheon alliance working.


But bookRenly had ZERO reasons to not having sex with his wife despite his own sexual preferences. Even if they were together for one week, I'm sure they tried to make that week productive. I doubt Renly was the only gay dude in Westeros that had to simply pull down his pants and think of England :dunno:


wonderful post

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I also entertain a vague theory that the whole thing about Moon Tea was part of an over all Tyrell plot to spur Cersei into action, but that they hadn't counted on the Faith as one of the power players.

I vaguely agree with this - for all we know Margaery has a cabinet full of vials (jars?) of moon tea, waiting to be brought out as evidence of her innocence, but the mania of the Faith and Pycelle's death have complicated the situation.

Also, Margaery's situation reminds me a bit of Katherine of Aragon, except I don't think Tommen is going to make it to Henry VIII status.
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That thing Lysa was given was not ordinary moontea, imo. Moontea is drank immediately after sex. As far as I know, those "herbal" contraception beverages are not always effective (although mt always is, it seems). I suppose Hoster gave her something that he knew it NEEDED to work, hence, a strong dose.


Hence my suggestion of varied potency for varied uses.Perhaps the contraceptive one is minus wormood,minus pennyroyal or watered down.Who can really tell.


Also,as a sidenote to whether she could have actually been sleeping around,I think she shiuld have had FM levels of abilities to do so.Apart from having all her young companions and her septa surround her day and night,she is also under the surveilance of Janna Tyrell.Unless she has less wits than poor Lollys Stokeworth,I 'm pretty sure she would notice anything more suspicious than innocent flirting and put an end to it.

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I think moon tea is for prevention, not for abortion. And isn't Renly too long ago dead to be accused of a recent fatherhood? To be honest, time in ASoIaF always confuses me. I am also among the believers that this was a kind of a plot, but very vagely hinted for the moment. Again, I can't believe she is that stupid, especially having Olenna around. They plottet to kill the King, they can surely manage with such a small thing as abortion or contraception :)
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