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*Spoilers* Alive or Dead at the end of TWOW (in Westeros)


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Feel free to add anyone I may have missed but:


*WARNING* This is a long list.


Mance Rayder

Roose Bolton

Ramsay Bolton

Stannis Baratheon

Selyse Baratheon

Shireen Baratheon

Jon Snow


Davos Seaworth

Wyman Manderly

Rickon Stark

Bran Stark

Arya Stark

Sansa Stark

Petyr Baelish

Yohn Royce

Edmure Tully

Blackfish Tully

LSH (undead not an option!)

Margarey Tyrell

Lancel Lannister

Mace Tyrell

Loras Tyrell

Wilas Tyrell

Garlan Tyrell

Euron Greyjoy

Arianne Martell

Doran Martell

Trystane Martell



Edric Storm








and of course....


Benjen Stark


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Mance Rayder - Dead

Roose Bolton - Dead

Ramsay Bolton - Dead

Stannis Baratheon - Dead

Selyse Baratheon - Dead

Shireen Baratheon - Dead

Jon Snow - Alive

Melisandre - Alive

Davos Seaworth - Alive

Wyman Manderly - Alive

Rickon Stark - Alive 

Bran Stark - Alive (with Bloodraven)

Arya Stark - Alive (back in Westeros)

Sansa Stark - Alive

Petyr Baelish - Dead

Yohn Royce - Alive

Edmure Tully - Alive

Blackfish Tully - Alive

LSH (undead not an option!) - Alive

Margarey Tyrell - Alive

Lancel Lannister - Dead

Mace Tyrell - Dead

Loras Tyrell - Dead

Wilas Tyrell - Alive

Garlan Tyrell - Alive

Euron Greyjoy - Alive (but will die soon...)

Arianne Martell - Alive

Doran Martell -- Alive*

Trystane Martell - Dead

JonCon - Dying/Dead

Aegon - Dead

Edric Storm - Alive

Gendry - Alive

Darkstar - Alive

UnGregor - Dead (for good)

Tyrion - Alive

Varys - Alive

Dany - Alive


Benjen Stark - Undead



Jorah Mormont: Dying/Dead (not from tv greyscale)

Barristan Selmy: Dead

Walder Frey - Dead

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Feel free to add anyone I may have missed but:


*WARNING* This is a long list.


Mance Rayder Dead

Roose Bolton Dead

Ramsay Bolton Dead

Stannis Baratheon Dead

Selyse Baratheon Dead

Shireen Baratheon Dead

Jon Snow Alive but probably unJon  :rolleyes: 

Melisandre Dead

Davos Seaworth Alive

Wyman Manderly Alive

Rickon Stark Alive

Bran Stark Alive

Arya Stark Alive

Sansa Stark Alive

Petyr Baelish Alive

Yohn Royce Alive

Edmure Tully Alive

Blackfish Tully Alive

LSH (undead not an option!) Dead for good hopefully

Margarey Tyrell Dead

Lancel Lannister Dead

Mace Tyrell Alive

Loras Tyrell Dead

Wilas Tyrell Alive

Garlan Tyrell Dead

Euron Greyjoy Alive

Arianne Martell Alive

Doran Martell Dead

Trystane Martell Alive

JonCon Alive

Aegon Alive

Edric Storm Alive

Gendry Alive

Darkstar Dead

UnGregor Dead

Tyrion Alive

Varys Alive

Dany Alive


and of course....


Benjen Stark ​we probably still won't know  :worried: 


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Mance Rayder-Dead

Roose Bolton-Dead

Ramsay Bolton-Dead(Roose and Ramsay don't die at the same time, I think Roose dies in the Battle for Winterfell vs Stannis and Jon will kill Ramsay)

Stannis Baratheon-Dead

Selyse Baratheon-Dead

Shireen Baratheon-Dead

Jon Snow-Alive


Davos Seaworth-Alive

Wyman Manderly-Dead

Rickon Stark-Alive

Bran Stark-Alive

Arya Stark-Alive

Sansa Stark-Alive

Petyr Baelish-Alive

Yohn Royce-Alive

Edmure Tully-Alive

Blackfish Tully-Alive

LSH (undead not an option!)-Dead

Margarey Tyrell-Dead

Lancel Lannister-Dead(he dies in the Trial by combat vs Ser Robert Strong)

Mace Tyrell-Alive

Loras Tyrell-Dead

Wilas Tyrell-Alive

Garlan Tyrell-Dead

Euron Greyjoy-Alive

Arianne Martell-Alive

Doran Martell-Alive

Trystane Martell-Alive



Edric Storm-Alive








Benjen-Dead(Been dead since book 1)

I think people like Cersei, Barristan, Victarion, Asha and Brienne will die as well.  Or they will die very early in ADOS.

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Mance Rayder - not sure

Roose Bolton - not sure

Ramsay Bolton - dead

Stannis Baratheon - dead

Selyse Baratheon - dead

Shireen Baratheon - dead

Jon Snow - not sure

Melisandre - dead

Davos Seaworth - alive I hope

Wyman Manderly - dead

Rickon Stark - alive

Bran Stark - alive

Arya Stark - not sure

Sansa Stark - not sure

Petyr Baelish - dead

Yohn Royce - dead

Edmure Tully - not sure

Blackfish Tully - dead, but a hero

LSH (undead not an option!) - dead

Margarey Tyrell - dead 

Lancel Lannister - dead

Mace Tyrell - dead

Loras Tyrell - dead

Wilas Tyrell - not sure

Garlan Tyrell - not sure

Euron Greyjoy - dead

Arianne Martell - dead

Doran Martell - dead

Trystane Martell - alive maybe

JonCon - dead

Aegon - dead

Edric Storm - alive

Gendry - not sure

Darkstar - dead

UnGregor - dead

Tyrion -not sure but leaning toward dead

Varys - dead, sadly

Dany - could go either way, but if she dies it will be in childbirth


and of course....


Benjen Stark - dead by the end, but he's still alive right now!


ETA: Theon - dead, Asha - alive, Strong Belwas - dead, the Reader alive, Sam Tarly - alive, Randyll Tarly - dead, Jaime - dead, Cersei - dead, Brienne, not sure.

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Mance Rayder - no idea

Roose Bolton - dead

Ramsay Bolton - dead

Stannis Baratheon - alive

Selyse Baratheon - alive

Shireen Baratheon - dead

Jon Snow - alive

Melisandre - alive

Davos Seaworth - alive

Wyman Manderly - dead

Rickon Stark - alive

Bran Stark - alive

Arya Stark - alive

Sansa Stark - alive

Petyr Baelish - alive

Yohn Royce - alive

Edmure Tully - alive

Blackfish Tully - alive

LSH (undead not an option!) - dead

Margarey Tyrell - dead

Lancel Lannister - alive

Mace Tyrell - alive

Loras Tyrell - dead

Wilas Tyrell - alive

Garlan Tyrell - dead

Euron Greyjoy - alive

Arianne Martell - alive

Doran Martell - dead

Trystane Martell - alive

JonCon - dead

Aegon - alive

Edric Storm - alive

Gendry - alive

Darkstar - dead

UnGregor - dead

Tyrion - alive

Varys - alive

Dany - alive

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Feel free to add anyone I may have missed but:


*WARNING* This is a long list.


Mance Rayder Dead

Roose Bolton Alive

Ramsay Bolton Dead

Stannis Baratheon Alive

Selyse Baratheon Dead

Shireen Baratheon Dead

Jon Snow Alive

Melisandre Alive

Davos Seaworth Alive

Wyman Manderly Dead

Rickon Stark Alive

Bran Stark Alive

Arya Stark Alive

Sansa Stark Alive

Petyr Baelish Dead

Yohn Royce Alive

Edmure Tully Alive

Blackfish Tully Alive

LSH (undead not an option!) Dead

Margarey Tyrell Alive

Lancel Lannister Dead

Mace Tyrell Alive

Loras Tyrell Alive

Wilas Tyrell Dead

Garlan Tyrell Alive

Euron Greyjoy Alive

Arianne Martell Alive

Doran Martell Alive

Trystane Martell Alive

JonCon Dead

Aegon Alive

Edric Storm Alive

Gendry Alive

Darkstar Dead

UnGregor Dead

Tyrion Dead

Varys Alive

Dany Alive


and of course....


Benjen Stark Dead (but i think he's alive at the moment)


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Ive noticed a few additions for myself, thanks to replies.

Brienne: alive
Jamie: alive
Cersei: dead
Tommen: dead
Myrcella: dead
Theon: alive
Asha: alive
Tormund: alive
Victarion: alive

I forgot some of those...


Tommen - dead

Myrcella - dead

Tormund - not sure

Victarion - dead.

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