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Why hizdahr is king but daemon is still prince?


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It seems as if Dany granted her husband the title of King Consort whereas Rhaenyra did not. The latter seems to have been very determined to rule and sit the throne herself whereas Dany actually wanted to share her rule with Hizdahr. The whole point of marrying him was to reconcile Meereen with her rule, after all, and she was sincere in that.

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Why is Aegon (Young Griff) called "Prince" if he's obviously a king and doesn't have any sweet dance moves?

Sometimes I think George is just playing fast and loose with titles and stuff

That one is easy, too. You are mistaken if you believe Aegon is a king. Prince Aegon remains a prince until the day he is crowned or proclaimed king (although the latter might only make him a pretender like Stannis, Renly, or Daemon Blackfyre).

The plan in Aegon's case is obviously very carefully crafted. The people behind him are not stupid enough to make him king while he doesn't rule over anything.

He is going to reveal his identity to the public at Storm's End after he has taken the castle, and he'll also announce his intention to take his grandfather's throne. But he'll not call himself king until he sits on the Iron Throne and has been crowned and anointed by the High Septon. That's how you do things, after all, and it shows a sense of humility and strength that will help him win people to his cause.

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