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The Fantasy Recommendation Thread


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Hi guys, back again for another reccomendation.

I've just finished Bernard Cornwells The Warlord Chronicles and I absolutely loved it. Literally couldn't put them down.

It had everything I loved. Grand epic battle scenes with immense acts of bravery (the battle at Lugg Vale, I was almost in tears!), loveable and noble characters (Authur and Defels relationship was amazing to read), Loathable and cowardly characters (I dont think i've ever hated a character as much as I hated Lancelot) and the magic was kept to a minimum (I tend not to like books where magic is a commen force in the world).

So now I need more. MORE!

Can anyone reccomend anything with similar themes? Or anything at all I might enjoy?

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anybody here read The List of 7 by Mark Frost (co-creator of Twin Peaks)? I know there are fans here of both The Somnambulist and The Anubis Gates (and how could you like one and not the other?) and to you - along with fans of dark fantasy, steampunk, victorian fantasy and adventure fiction in general - I recommend The List of 7 wholeheartedly. The protagonist is Arthur Conan Doyle, long before he wrote Sherlock Holmes and was knighted. He becomes ensnared in a web of intrigue involving amassing evil forces, dark magic, criminal masterminds, seances and spiritualists, deductive reasoning, drug addiction and bloody murder. The pacing is fast, the characterization is deft, the mood is weird (what else would you expect from a co-creator of Twin Peaks) and the story is original and riveting. I tore through this novel.

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Hi guys, back again for another reccomendation.

I've just finished Bernard Cornwells The Warlord Chronicles and I absolutely loved it. Literally couldn't put them down.

It had everything I loved. Grand epic battle scenes with immense acts of bravery (the battle at Lugg Vale, I was almost in tears!), loveable and noble characters (Authur and Defels relationship was amazing to read), Loathable and cowardly characters (I dont think i've ever hated a character as much as I hated Lancelot) and the magic was kept to a minimum (I tend not to like books where magic is a commen force in the world).

So now I need more. MORE!

Can anyone reccomend anything with similar themes? Or anything at all I might enjoy?

Have you read Cornwell's Saxon series? It's almost as good (not quite though, due to Warlord Chronicles being three of the best novels ever written) and if you loved one you'll love the other.

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Any decent space colonization recommendations?

I've been mainly a high fantasy loyalist since I was old enough to buy my own books, with just a few forays into outer space over the years *. Having just finished some McCaffery prequel I thought I'd look for some more of something like it. I'm thinking Dragonsdawn meets Robinson Crusoe, if such a thing exists. Terra forming, crash landings, and hostile native species would all be pluses.

I'm not too particular about quality since i know its sort of a specific request, though I'd be more likely to start a series if they are well written.

*Mainly Douglas Adams, but also some Saberhagen, CJ Cherryh, and something called Footfall by whoever wrote that. Niven, i think.

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Hey guys, been reading the forum for a bit now and was hoping you could help me out with some recommendations....

I need some good reading material, preferably a series.

My favorite series so far are:

The Vladmir Taltos series by Steven Brust

The Gentleman Bastards series by Scott Lynch

The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks

As you can see I'm more of an Assasin/Thief guy. But I'm not limited to that of course.

Anyone have any books that you think I would like? Any help would be appreciated.

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Hey guys, been reading the forum for a bit now and was hoping you could help me out with some recommendations....

I need some good reading material, preferably a series.

My favorite series so far are:

The Vladmir Taltos series by Steven Brust

The Gentleman Bastards series by Scott Lynch

The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks

As you can see I'm more of an Assasin/Thief guy. But I'm not limited to that of course.

Anyone have any books that you think I would like? Any help would be appreciated.

Mistborn: The Final Empire, by Brandon Sanderson. I've only read the first book, but it had many similarities to the Lynch and Weeks books, and I actually enjoyed it the most (can't speak yet for the last two books in the trilogy).

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I heard good things of Michael Moorcock's 'Elric of Melniboné' series.

Could anyone say are they any good, and what they can compare with ?


Well, the books Moorcock wrote first were his bad ones. Generally he got better as a writer and it shows when you read the later Elric stories/novels. Yes, I would recommend them, and I recommend you start by reading the novel Elric of Melnibone, which can be found in the Del Rey omnibus, the Sleeping Sorceress.

I guess you can compare them with Conan. Elric is pretty much his polar opposite. He's frail, a sorcerer, starts as the ruler of a powerful nation, then loses his lordship whereas Conan is physically powerful in every way, despises magic and dealings with demons, and he starts with nothing and gains the throne of the most powerful nation in the world.

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Any decent space colonization recommendations?

I've been mainly a high fantasy loyalist since I was old enough to buy my own books, with just a few forays into outer space over the years *. Having just finished some McCaffery prequel I thought I'd look for some more of something like it. I'm thinking Dragonsdawn meets Robinson Crusoe, if such a thing exists. Terra forming, crash landings, and hostile native species would all be pluses.

I'm not too particular about quality since i know its sort of a specific request, though I'd be more likely to start a series if they are well written.

*Mainly Douglas Adams, but also some Saberhagen, CJ Cherryh, and something called Footfall by whoever wrote that. Niven, i think.

Have you read any Mary Gentle? She wrote Orthe, comprised of two stories, which I demolished in a few days a couple of summers ago and I thought it was absolutely brilliant.

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Any decent space colonization recommendations?

I've been mainly a high fantasy loyalist since I was old enough to buy my own books, with just a few forays into outer space over the years *. Having just finished some McCaffery prequel I thought I'd look for some more of something like it. I'm thinking Dragonsdawn meets Robinson Crusoe, if such a thing exists. Terra forming, crash landings, and hostile native species would all be pluses.

I'm not too particular about quality since i know its sort of a specific request, though I'd be more likely to start a series if they are well written.

*Mainly Douglas Adams, but also some Saberhagen, CJ Cherryh, and something called Footfall by whoever wrote that. Niven, i think.

I'm not really a Sci-Fi guy but whenever anyone asks anything like this the resounding reply is always Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson which is meant to be excellent, though i haven't read it personally.

Outside of that Richard Morgan's Black Man very lightly touches upon this.

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Have you read any Mary Gentle? She wrote Orthe....

I'm not really a Sci-Fi guy but whenever anyone asks anything like this the resounding reply is always Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson....

Thanks, I'll look into them.

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I'm looking for a new series to read. Although I had read some fantasy previously (SK writes fantasy, who knew?), I really only got into it over the last couple years. So far I've read and enjoyed the WoT, ASOIAF, Farseer and Liveship Trader books.

(I also read the SoT books - a coworker recommended them, and I have a bad habit of wanting to finish a series once I start, no matter how wretched it gets.)

I'm planning on reading the Tawny Man books when I can get my hands on them, but I'd also like to try out a new author.

Based on what I've enjoyed so far, I think the key things for me are:

- series is complete or near complete (it's been bad enough waiting for the next books of WoT and ASOIAF, can't imagine how bad it is for people who started them early)

- fairly epic scope

- strong world building (despite the snail pace of WoT, I love how it's so easy to feel like you're in the setting)

- fairly low magic quotient (I like how it's present in ASOIAF and Hobbs' books without being overwhelming)

I've thought about Erickson's Malazan books, but it's not done. And after reading Hobbs' books, I like the idea of a trilogy, something that's maybe not as big an investment.

Ideas? Thanks!!!

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C. S. Friedman's Coldfire trilogy

Glen Cook's P.I. Garrett series. Start with Sweet Silver Blues. These are stand alones with a continuing character should be read in publication order.

Also Glen Cook's Black Company series.

C. J. Cherryh's Fortress series. Start with Fortress in the Eye of Time.

C. J. Cherryh's Rider at the Gate and Cloud's Rider.

Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden series which are very addictive. Also stand alones with a continuing theme. First book is Storm Front.

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  • 3 weeks later...
anybody here read The List of 7 by Mark Frost (co-creator of Twin Peaks)? I know there are fans here of both The Somnambulist and The Anubis Gates (and how could you like one and not the other?) and to you - along with fans of dark fantasy, steampunk, victorian fantasy and adventure fiction in general - I recommend The List of 7 wholeheartedly. The protagonist is Arthur Conan Doyle, long before he wrote Sherlock Holmes and was knighted. He becomes ensnared in a web of intrigue involving amassing evil forces, dark magic, criminal masterminds, seances and spiritualists, deductive reasoning, drug addiction and bloody murder. The pacing is fast, the characterization is deft, the mood is weird (what else would you expect from a co-creator of Twin Peaks) and the story is original and riveting. I tore through this novel.

I am about half way through this book right now. It took me a little while to get into it but now it is really picking up. The characters are great, although a little supermanish sometimes. Each person you meet seems to be very distinctive.

How would you compare his other books to this novel?

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I'm new to the site so not sure if these books have been mentioned but here goes....

"Ilium" by Dan Simmons ( highly recommended best sci-fi/fantasy mix novel I've ever read)

Robin Hobb's Farseer series

Yeah, both of those are quite popular series on this board. Welcome here: You'll have a lot to talk about with boarders judging by those two series.

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