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The Ibbenese: Do they mix with humans?

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So, a while ago, there was this question of whether the Ibbenese and normal humans can produce any fertile children. However, I can't find that thread right now and am not sure whether it still exists, so I've decided to make a new one, since I recently stumbled across something weird.

So, lets look at the evidence. Yandel writes:


Though the men of Ib can father children upon the women of Westeros and other lands, the products of such unions are often malformed and inevitably sterile, in the manner of mules. Ibbenese females, when mated with men from other races, bring forth naught but stillbirths and monstrosities.

But, Yandel writes a lot of things that aren't necessarily true, so this could be wrong.

Now, I recently read aSoS, and in Daenerys V I realized, that Brown Ben Plumm claims to be one eighth Ibbenese. This is what he said about his grandmother:


"That the old crone never did. She was half-Ibbenese and half-Qohorik, never been to Westeros, my grandfather must have told her. Some Dothraki killed him before I was born."

So, what is true? Is Brown Ben Plumm full of it or does Yandel have no idea what he's talking about, as usual?

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7 hours ago, Criston of House Shapper said:

So, what is true? Is Brown Ben Plumm full of it or does Yandel have no idea what he's talking about, as usual?

I've wondered about the same thing, and my money is on Plumm being an outrageous liar. That doesn't necessarily mean that Yandel is right, though.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are people who claim to have Ibbenese blood, so my guess is it's not entirely clear. If the Ibbenese are supposed to be a closely related hominid species cross breeding could indeed be possible, considering our ancestors could interbreed with their Neanderthal cousins.

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In general, I trust Yandell and Brown Ben about equally (with a large grain of salt in both cases). But in this case I trust Ben to know about his own grandma more than I trust Yandell to know the outcome of every single Ibbenese/human pairing that has ever happened on Planetos. That would be quite a feat of information gathering even in today's world.

Plus I don't see what motive Ben would have to lie about his grandma being half Ibbenese. If anything that seems like info most people would leave out.  

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