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Did Bran Play Everyone? Is Bran The bad Guy of The Overall Plot?


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I made a thread about a similar thing:


The problem with Bran is that he is truly messed up. His powers were never explained. We don't know what he can and cannot do. We don't know if he knew that he would / might become the king and so he gently manipulated everyone to be elected, or if he didn't know at all. We don't know what his character and personality is like because he became a tree, so we don't know if he is capable of such a manipulation. It's all just speculation. It's even worse than the Winterfell plot (Sansa, Arya, Littlefinger) in S7.

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4 hours ago, chatty83 said:

Bran positioned everybody to get him to the Throne. He didn't need to divide Jon and Dany and had he not told Jon or pushed this agenda it would trigger different events:

Judging by his comment to Tyrion, I do think Bran knew he would be king. At what point he knew this is unclear though. It may be that several other characters had to make pivotal decisions (namely Dany deciding to burn KL and Jon deciding to kill Dany) before Bran's future was revealed to him. His powers to see the future seem to be less reliable than seeing the past and the present, presumably because there are a lot of factors (like individuals' autonomy) that can change how the future will play out. Since Dany did not seem to make the decision to burn KL until right before she did it, it seems plausible that Bran would not be able to see what she was going to do until she herself decided. Same thing with Jon killing Dany. 

I do not think Bran was manipulating his way to be king, and I don't think he is evil - neutral seems to be best word to describe him. As the three-eyed raven, he is void of desire and ambition. He even mentioned that he didn't want to rule - it seemed to me like he was just accepting his fate. I also do not think that Bran uses his visions to meddle with future events. He seems to be content to let whatever is going to happen happen, and allows people to make their own decisions. These decisions then impact how the future plays out. Yes, Bran told Jon about his true identity, but ultimately left it up to Jon to decide whether to tell anyone else. Jon made his choice (as did Sansa, and then Tyrion, and then Varys), so I do not think Bran is to blame for the cascade of the events that followed. 

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