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What does Cat know?

The Mourning Knight

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I’m curious. Does anyone think Catelyn/Lady Stoneheart has learned or is about to learn the condition of her children?

With Thoros on hand and R’hllor having shown visions of Bran to at least one of his disciples, do any of you think Catelyn is like to find out where her children are or that some of those she believed dead are in fact alive?

Do you think learning Bran and Rickon were alive would soften her at all? How might she react?

One final note: In Melisandre’s vision of Bran, she identifies him as an enemy. We could chalk that up to another bad interpretation (Mel has a history of these…) or it might be that Bran is in fact an opponent of R’hllor’s agenda. If that is the case, might the lord of light withhold knowledge of Bran from Cat so as not to lose one of his instruments?

Talk amongst yourselves…


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I seriously doubt she knows Bran and Rickon are alive.  Those who do know have been keeping it a closely guarded secret.  Even now, it is little known even in the North.  I doubt Thoros would be getting visions of them.  He has no reason to look, and wouldn't recognize them if he did somehow see them.  I also don't expect either of them to show up publicly any time soon.  Bran will be in the cave for a while and I think Rickon will be forced to go north from Skagos instead of south.

Catelyn and the BwB have no reason to believe Sansa is dead.  The BwB know about the Lannisters' search for her.  They probably also know that she escaped with help from others, who are probably hiding her (or holding her captive).  They have no reason to know about Littlefinger's involvement, though.

The BwB knows Arya was with Sandor and may know from the Elder Brother that she was headed for Saltpans just before it was sacked.  They are obviously still looking for her, but don't know if she is alive or dead as the trail went cold in Saltpans.

Arya is the only one I can imagine Catelyn meeting.  The boys are too far away, and Sansa has no reason to visit the Riverlands.  Arya's wolf is in the Riverlands, so she could head there when she returns to Westeros.

It is possible that Jeyne Poole knows about the boys' survival from her time with the Boltons (either told or overheard) and passed it on to Arya, or accompanies her to Westeros, a likely prospect and could tell Catelyn herself.  I wouldn't count on it, though.  My guess is Catelyn dies (permanently) without finding out.

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I think she will learn at some point that Rickon (and thus Bran) are alive. But I don't think it will soften her heart. What happened to her family happened.

Bran may reach her and tell her something. But why would he do that? I believe he will manifest to Stannis and Theon. Otherwise Theon is as good as dead. He could then send him to the south, to tell Cat. Another delicate situation for Theon. But I would like it! I imagine Bran knows (or will find out) about LF implication in her misfortunes. I would like Cat to run after LF. There would be no greater justice!

I don't think the old gods and R’hllor are on the same side of the battlefield. So I'm not surprised Melisandre has been told Bran is the enemy. Anyway, we don't know if R’hllor is sending visions or is controlling Cat in any way.

I know everyone assume the red god has resurrected her. But we're told Thoros has not this power. He not even did it for Cat! I don't see how Cat rampage contributes to R’hllor plan. She behaves more like the Others, indiscriminate killing, than opposing them. We're told there is a god of death, with different names in different places. I believe this god is also the Great Other Melisandre speak of. Who other than a god of death would have control of deads and zombies and resurrections? One of his names is the Stranger. It seems more like who Cat is serving:


A trestle table had been set up across the cave, in a cleft in the rock. Behind it sat a woman all in grey, cloaked and hooded. In her hands was a crown, a bronze circlet ringed by iron swords. She was studying it, her fingers stroking the blades as if to test their sharpness. Her eyes glimmered under her hood.
Grey was the color of the silent sisters, the handmaidens of the Stranger. Brienne felt a shiver climb her spine. Stoneheart.

AFFC, Brienne VIII

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