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Owners of MM/Subpress Books!


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As some of you know, I have been gathering some information from people who own any asoiaf book from Meisha Merlin or Subpress. I'm attempting to make a list that will hopefully provide some help in uniting sets. I feel that this is different than the other lists because I'm trying to show who owns exactly what. Some people are going to have different numbered books and this list will show that; whereas the other topics mostly focus on just aGoT.

I'm asking everyone who I haven't asked already to please put down what numbered (or lettered) books that you own. Any additional information would be helpful too. I've got an almost complete list of 16 people (only 432 more!) and what they own. These are just from people that posted somewhere that they are looking for a certain numbered book and from ebay members who bought/sold a book. Even if you aren't missing any books please write down the books you own.

That may seem like a lost cause, but it could work. It's all about making contacts. I have contacted some members from ebay and they have shown interest in helping (they know some people who are good at finding books). Maybe the guy from subpress could help us out. I've got a few ideas that could work. Obviously, there will never be a complete list, but if this one accounts for around 50 books and helps one person then I will consider it successful! Thanks for all the help.

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Thank you for the help guys. Another thing I forgot to mention is that I suspect that this will be an ongoing project. What people's plan are right now can easily be changed. They might run into financial problems (sell books, can't buy anymore of the books), they move, or don't follow this forum anymore (stuff like that). If you feel comfortable enough, go ahead and PM your email address to me. If you do that, please state whether or not it is alright to put it on the list (which I will upload once I get a few more people and when I'm not sick anymore). If you PM your email address and don't say anything, I will assume you don't want it shown to the public and just keep it in a separate file just in case there is a situation that might unite a set.

Another question is does anyone know what books GRRM owns? I am guessing he owns duplicates. Maybe someone that talks to him every once in awhile could get that info? I don't know how to get this information. Thanks again!.

One more thing. If you have any suggestions like who to contact or see someone selling a book online/or at a physical store please mention the information here.


P.S. My email address is [email protected] if you ever need to contact me.

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ACoK #209

ASoS #2

AFfC Lettered (TBD + rights)

-Camelot Books has a number of books for sale, but the numbers are not listed on their website.

-Coven Books in CA has a copy of ASoS listed on abebooks.com- but the number is not listed.

-GRRM has 417-423, as far as I know. I also remember seeing a quote somewhere that he said he had G, R, and M as well (see "A Game of Thrones (SubPress): Recent Sales" post for more info).

-Overhill* bought 416 from GRRM for $1200, owns #259 for 2-4.

-kathrine_stephens** bought 219 from thisurgeon** for $1295.

-thisurgeon** bought a full set, 1-3 (193) + rights and we assume he still has them.

-zstarmanz** bought 98 from Parkmoor Books (parkmoor**) in CA for $1699 (price is inflated due to additional items included in the auction).

*asoiaf board name.

**ebay id.

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Thanks everyone for putting in their info. So far I've got 23 people down with basically everything filled in. Keep them coming! I plan on contacting some booksellers and see if they can help out.

I'll post the list sometime next week for everyone to see.

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I just contacted zstarmanz and have my fingers crossed that he might be willing to trade/sell me his copies of aCoK, aSoS and aFfC. I finally might be able to get a complete set!

Thanks again Rosstafarian.

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