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The Wire Season 5 - Spoilers


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Man...only 2 more to go...

I know...its sad...at the same time i like what they're doing to put this awesome show to bed.


The way Omar was ranting on the street corner, looking all dirty and tired, you just knew what was coming. Fuckin...wow.

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I'm gonna play it safe and not blab my mouth off like I usually do about this show. Even though I see no spoiler tags I'll still refrain from commenting on 3 of the four biggest happenings of this week's On Demand episode.

But the 4th one I'll spit out. Poot is out of the game and works at Foot Locker. Probably one of the most tragically realistic moments I've ever seen on television. They call it 'the game' for a reason... and where is the fun in playing 'the game' when all your friends are dead? Damn, I miss Bodie...

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Wow is right. Just wow.

I won't get into specifics in case it's too early, but that episode was incredible. So many highlights. Am watching it again with the rest of the family tonight, but I couldn't resist a sneak peek this morning.

One question though:


What was the significance of switching the body bag tags at the end of the episode?

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What was the significance of switching the body bag tags at the end of the episode?


i think it was to sort of prove the point McNuttys woman was making. In the end there's no one around... unless if you're lucky and you have family or a couple of friends. The people in your everday wont be around, wnt even be effected. Look how Bunk and McNulty react to his death. A moment of surprise...and then nothing. Omar would have gotten buried under the name of an old white guy and lain in the ground in total obscurity had the morgue worker not been awake enough to notice the tags were wrong on the bodies.

i was horrified by Omar's death , even tho i saw it coming. he went out in the worst possible fashion...angry, dirty, in pain, almost as caricature of his former self, and got taken out by a threat that he didnt see coming. sigh.

one of the greatest characters in TV history.

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I got sick of being a week late on all the wire conversations, so I was gonna scroll down and see whats up. Thank you Relic for having the foresight not to splash any spoilers on an episode 'big enough' to elicit a 'Wow'. I have now resigned myself to waiting the week rather than spoiling myself with comments. Once more, you all suck. And good day.

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ol, dude i thought the rules were clear? Spoiler tags for episodes not yet on demand. I put the tags up but im not sure why we have the same issue every week.

huh? I was actually seriously thanking you for saving me from myself. I was scrolling down getting ready to say 'fuck it, I'll read the spoilers'...but when I saw your 'wow', I figured the episode might be something worth waiting for and seeing fresh.

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huh? I was actually seriously thanking you for saving me from myself. I was scrolling down getting ready to say 'fuck it, I'll read the spoilers'...but when I saw your 'wow', I figured the episode might be something worth waiting for and seeing fresh.

oh hahaah, ok. gotcha.

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i think it was to sort of prove the point McNuttys woman was making. In the end there's no one around... unless if you're lucky and you have family or a couple of friends. The people in your everday wont be around, wnt even be effected. Look how Bunk and McNulty react to his death. A moment of surprise...and then nothing. Omar would have gotten buried under the name of an old white guy and lain in the ground in total obscurity had the morgue worker not been awake enough to notice the tags were wrong on the bodies.

Ah, I see. Yeah that makes a lot of sense.


i was horrified by Omar's death , even tho i saw it coming. he went out in the worst possible fashion...angry, dirty, in pain, almost as caricature of his former self, and got taken out by a threat that he didnt see coming. sigh.

one of the greatest characters in TV history.

Nice way of putting it. I agree completely. Especially with the last sentence.

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Since everybody else is using spoiler tags, I will follow that lead.

SPOILER: The Wire Episode 8

WOW is damn right. I have to agree with some earlier comments, Omar was getting way too reckless. I'm just surprised some nobody got him and not someone like Chris or Snoop. I guess his last gift to the forces of justice was his hit list, getting Lester up on Cheese.

Of course, now the question is whether their little scheme will be able to bear any fruit before someone blows the whistle on what's going on. Up until now we'd seen nothing but legitimate re-routing of resources, but I think McNulty realized he was past a point when the one dipshit milked him for golf on city time. Two episodes left, and there is a murder warrant on Chris even if they don't get Marlo, but still... I wonder where this one is going to go?

Dukie catching on with the arabber was neat to see. These are the same guys who hang out in the stables where Bubbles was talking about the "hot shots" for his nemesis from last season. Real world Baltimore's horse stable (really kind of a rickety thing in the middle of a neighborhood) was shut down for repeated health and safety violations some time last year or maybe the year before. So while Dukie has found something to do for the time being, I wouldn't be surprised if the stable gets shut down and he's back in the same place, slinging by season's end.

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SPOILER: episode 8
I love this season but it has been visciously partisan at times, full of throwaway lines about "republican pricks" and Dick Cheney the psychopath. Substanceless comments like that really turn someone off who might not be of Simon's political persuasion. That's the kind of thing you read on anonymous message boards and is really beneath Simon.

Soon as I saw Omar walk past Kenard I knew what was gonna happen. We all knew the kid was a psycho, the cat with the lighter fluid was just a dead giveaway, plus the fact that he didn't run like the others. The only other thing I thought might happen was that Omar would be forced to kill the kid.
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SPOILER: Episode 8
Two episodes left, and there is a murder warrant on Chris even if they don't get Marlo, but still... I wonder where this one is going to go?

SPOILER: Random Speculation
I just can't wait to see how the shit is going to hit the fan for McNulty. It has too, right? This isn't The Shield. Given that David Simon is a cynical bastard, I'm trained to expect that McNulty will be destroyed and Marlo will walk away. Or, not walk away, I get this feeling (based on nothing) that some shit will go down between Chris and Marlo.
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That was one hell of an episode. I'm gutted that there are only two more.

SPOILER: Episode 8

Relic, I like your analysis of Omar's demise. He just seemed so unhappy, as soon as the bell went we knew that was it. I'm sad that Omar died but thinking about it its an excellent scene. The Wire has gone for realism in most of its characters, Omar was one of the few exceptions. A badass Robin Hood character who can jump off balconies and single handedly take down whole drug crews. But his ending was gritty. It wasn't cinematic. No final showdown between Marlo and Omar. Just some random juvenile with a gun and thats it.

Omar was a great character. One of my favourite scenes of the whole show was where Omar rocked the courtroom in series 2, but his end makes the show better IMO. There are few happy endings in the drug trade. I saw City of God the other day and the similarites were startling.

Is anyone else loving the cameos of former characters? This episode we got Poot with some sort of future. I was surprised, he always seemed the most brainless of the three original kids. It almost seems to be a recurring theme throughout the show, the smart ones die. Stringer gets shot while Avon lives, albeit in jail. Wallace and Bodie died but Poot will survive. Namond gets a happy home while Michael becomes a monster and Randy gets fucked over by the system. Though maybe Michael is getting tired of it. I hope so. I wouldn't mind cinematic if it meant Marlo, Chris or Snoop getting shot or convicted because of Michael.

The newspaper angle still disapoints. Templeton continues to bullshit, with management on his side. Gus doesn't like it. Its the same every episode.

SPOILER: Random Speculation
I just can't wait to see how the shit is going to hit the fan for McNulty. It has too, right? This isn't The Shield. Given that David Simon is a cynical bastard, I'm trained to expect that McNulty will be destroyed and Marlo will walk away. Or, not walk away, I get this feeling (based on nothing) that some shit will go down between Chris and Marlo.

I can see that with Chris and Marlo. They just don't seem to be on the same page anymore. Chris really didn't want to go after Omar. Maybe now its over they will get back to normal but when Marlo mentioned celebrating in Atlantic City Chris didn't seem all that enthusiastic.

Roll on next week.

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Yeah Relic, you nailed it.


God, I was still in disbelief in that last scene. Someone on the HBO boards predicted something very close to this, and I half-brushed it off. Omar was a great character, one of the most badass characters on TV. The way Bunk came on the scene was PERFECT. He despised Omar even though we loved him.

When Chris spit on that body, I did do a bit of wondering if they could pull spit off it, but I guessed they couldn't of ignorance. Now I know better.

That scene where the behavioral FBI guys describe McNulty was funny as fuck! I loved it!

Gus, I'm beginning to like him but with 2 episodes to go I don't know he will make a great impression on me. That storyline could have used a couple of seasons the way they told it. It's not like the Sobotka/Docks storyline where it consumed me toward the end.

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SPOILER: Episode 8

Relic, I like your analysis of Omar's demise. He just seemed so unhappy, as soon as the bell went we knew that was it. I'm sad that Omar died but thinking about it its an excellent scene. The Wire has gone for realism in most of its characters, Omar was one of the few exceptions. A badass Robin Hood character who can jump off balconies and single handedly take down whole drug crews. But his ending was gritty. It wasn't cinematic. No final showdown between Marlo and Omar. Just some random juvenile with a gun and thats it.

SPOILER: Episode 8


That's another thing about Omar's character i think. Simon builds Omar into this superhero type protagonist, a gay one at that, larger than life on the streets and in the viewer's mind. He becomes idolized, a renegade fighting in a system foul and corrupt, dropping bodes and winning. And ding, boom, dead.

It's a brutal stab of reality, and maybe even eye opening for some people who are living that life and loving The Wire. Very well done, imo.

In retrospect Omar saying "You know what man? Fuck it" and pulling the trigger on Sourvino was him calling it quits. He broke his word, and his code, and i dunno...


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