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Guest Other-in-Law

In Chapter 20-Brienne, Dick Crabb keeps referring to the seat of House Celtigar as Crab Isle. In previous books it was called Claw Isle. Now do I make a redirect page from Crab Isle to Claw Isle, or should I make a new page all together?

Redirect! Too many pages already, maybe with a note about Crabb's usage. It's prolly an error/Dick Crabb is hazy on geography outside of Crackclaw point.

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  • 3 months later...

The article on Sarella Sand starts off by saying, "Sarella Sand, who uses the alias Alleras while at the Citadel..." Now, I agree that it's highly probable that Alleras is Sarella, but it hasn't actually been confirmed, has it? If not, should the article say that the two are definitely one? There's also an article on Alleras, which mentions Sarella only in a "Theories" section; to me, that seems a better way to go. Either way, though, I'd think that the two articles should treat the matter the same way: either treat them as two characters who may be the same, or treat them as the same character.

(I asked about this on the Sarella Sand talk page, but there wasn't any response, so I thought maybe it would be better to raise the matter here.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so Quincy Cox. He sits in a castle at Saltpans. In the appendix of the book he is called the "Knight of Saltpans". Does this mean he is a landed knight like Connington or Darry or Clegane and a noble or would he just be the castellan?

If he is a noble and a landed knight, do I make a house page for the Coxes?

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Ok, so Quincy Cox. He sits in a castle at Saltpans. In the appendix of the book he is called the "Knight of Saltpans". Does this mean he is a landed knight like Connington or Darry or Clegane and a noble or would he just be the castellan?

If he is a noble and a landed knight, do I make a house page for the Coxes?

As the books are talking about "his gate" and "his people" it seems to me that he is the owner of the castle not just a castellan.

Though he is the only of his family whose name is mentioned he has a family. That can go the house page as well.

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  • 2 months later...

I see it the same way as Evrach; that possibly Raymund's father was living up to the start of the war but was infirm or senile and kept out of sight, possibly at some septry elsewhere even. Though Jaime's reflection of 'the Lord's chamber' suggests that it was kept for him. It seems like a Hoster Tully situation, only maybe even more extreme.

Consider Prince Martell for a moment. If his health greatly deteriorated in the future, it would be easy to picture him living out his days at the Water Gardens as the Prince, but having his heir ruling Sunspear de facto, as well as the rest of Dorne.

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  • 2 months later...

in the article about http://awoiaf.wester...ndex.php/Knight it says that "...it is possible for the base-born to become knights(However, Bastards are forbidden from being knighted by law)". As far as I know that is wrong and contradicted by both the characters of Ser Damon Sand and Ser Rollam Storm in the books and by an SSM of July 30, 1999 where Martin answer a direct questions:

Also, can noble bastards be knighted?

Any man can be knighted.

(This info is also reported in the concordance of The Citadel)

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I think I've found another error: in the entry of http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House_Wensington the text says: "As (legalized) bastards often invert the arms of their fathers. As the upper part of the Wensington coat of arms is similar to the inverted coat of arms of House Baratheon, the house may have been founded by a Baratheon bastard.", but the upper part of the sigil is the standard Baratheon sigil (black stag on gold), no inverted color there.

I think that perhaps someone has confused it with the sigil of http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Entry/House_Bolling/, which does have a bastard arms.

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I think I've found another error: in the entry of http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House_Wensington the text says: "As (legalized) bastards often invert the arms of their fathers. As the upper part of the Wensington coat of arms is similar to the inverted coat of arms of House Baratheon, the house may have been founded by a Baratheon bastard.", but the upper part of the sigil is the standard Baratheon sigil (black stag on gold), no inverted color there.

I think that perhaps someone has confused it with the sigil of http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/Entry/House_Bolling/, which does have a bastard arms.

Good catch. Fixed.

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They are two unique characters. I actually remember that one!

Odd Thing I Noticed: Go to SpecialPages. I've noticed that on any of the special links where you get to the last page, it won't load. For instance, if there are 98 Uncategorized Categories, it will list the 50 but not let you select to view 100 or more, and won't load the next page. Last night I was going through UnCat Images (mostly Coats) and when I got to less than 50, it no longer loads. Anyone else able to recreate this problem?

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unless you mean the 'Server error' associated with Files related pages, you'll have to point me to the specific page you encounter this problem on, since I am unable to reproduce it. as for the file related crap, I suspect we have a bad file somewhere that corrupt the query. since I first observed it on offset 250+, then 150+ and now it appears immediately (Each change followed categorising effort), hopefully we can fix it soon...

btw nice work with clearing up the Uncategorized Categories :)

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Date Confirmation: On the Years Since Aegon's Landing page, it lists 300 AL as the date Tommen is crowned, but on Tommen's actual page it is listed as 299. Anyone know which is correct? As a note, Joffrey's page lists his end date as 299, so I'm assuming it should be changed to that.

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