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The Middle-eastern riots


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One masri defense minister was actually scheduled to be here in the US to talk with the DoD about "military matters", according to the Arabist blog.

You can bet that anyone being killed by the government is being killed with arms bought with American money, that's for damn sure.

ETA: The bridges are falling to the protesters, which means they own the nile.

the bridge battles have been going back and forth in Cairo, right now AlJaz has live footage of an AV pushing crowds back.

The teargas is definitely all-American.

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If Mubarak falls, this might just be the 1989 of the Arab world. Before Ben Ali, nobody thought it was possible for the people to oust one of these regimes.

Tunisia was a special case, a small, well educated population, with transparent corruption. If an Arab regime were to fall, Tunisia was the most likely. But now that they have fallen, it might just be enough to create a domino effect. Egypt is key to what happens next, as they (before Tunisia) were considered to be one of the regimes that were least likely to be toppled.


maybe, but who's to say the next government will be democratic

We don't know. But that's always the case in situations like these.

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This is amazing. The most chaotic stuff seems to be taking place in Suez. If the protesters are smart, they'll get the canal shut down.

ETA: I just watched protesters throw molotovs at the police and the police fire back. I mean, shit is really going down.

Do you need a handerkchief or something? From this side of the screen you are coming off like this :drool:

So might we witnessing the birth pangs of democracy in the Middle East?

If Mubarak falls, the MB will likely take over. And then it will go badly for everyone.

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Do you need a handerkchief or something? From this side of the screen you are coming off like this :drool:

And you're coming across the opposite, I wouldn't be casting any stones

If Mubarak falls, the MB will likely take over. And then it will go badly for everyone.

You keep saying this with full certainty and no evidence. You might just be pre-judging the people of Egypt.

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What are you basing this on? It's not like the MB have played an active role so far.

Who do you think is riling people up in the mosques? It's no coincidence that today of all days the riots reach a new crescendo; This is the MB's version of TGIF!

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Who do you think is riling people up in the mosques? It's no coincidence that today of all days the riots reach a new crescendo; This is the MB's version of TGIF!

Prove. It.

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You're claiming the Muslim Brotherhood is 'riling people up' so far it looks like the people were riled on Jan 25 without the MB and the MB is now joining. You think the MB will take over but this is as hypothetical as anything else.

The funny thing I find about you and Yoadm is that you both think you've got Israel's best interests at heart while even here in Sydney Australia, drunk and minding a cat I can see that demanding the people of Egypt suffer the callous, corrupt and brutal regime of Mubarak offers Israel no security at all.

Where is the sense in propping up such a divisive and crumbling regime when they don't have the support of the public and the public will ultimately decide who rules them? Nowhere. This was always coming and it was no strategy at all to hope that the likes of Mubarak could keep a lid on it.

Had Israel been forward thinking it would be making concessions to the Palestinians and reaching out to the disaffected public of the regimes. Instead it has become associated with these brutal little sleazes. The geniuses in charge have demanded their cake and the eating of it too, the supplicancy of Abu Mazen and the subjugation of the Arab world to craven kleptocracies, in perpetuum.

It was never going to last and I just hope this turns out to be an Arab 1989, with some smart moves by all parties involved.

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