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Why does my layout (skin?) keep changing


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Why when I refresh or go to a new topic, does my.. is it called a skin? the look of the whole page-- change? It becomes smaller, surrounded with white and the threads and postings appear in small blue letters that are difficult to read. Then eventually, with more refreshing, it goes back to normal again. Is there something I can do to prevent this? THX!

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Too funny--you get bright purple? I get electric blue... :dunno:

yeah, it depends on the browser (or maybe just a color-calibrated screen?), I think, which color font you end up with. I've seen both purple and blue. We haven't had this happen for a very long time, so I'm not sure if tweaking with things to avoid SQL errors is throwing another aspect of the board into a tizzy.

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Because of heavy traffic over at Westeros.org-proper, we occasionally have to shut down that site temporarily to let the computer chew through the processes causing the heavy load. The forum pulls its news information from Westeros, however, and when that's not available, you get the strangeness here. Not quite sure why it's doing it, but in any case, that's what's happening.

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It's not a problem, of course, I had just thought it was something I was doing, or not doing, or was supposed to do, or whatever. Same thing I thought when I first saw the "SQL Server Error' and again when I realized I couldn't pm or view profiles occasionally. My first thought is always 'gaak! what did I do now!'

Anyway, thanks for the input.

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