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[BOOK AND TV SPOILERS] Larry's reviews at OtakuAssemble.


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That reviewer really pisses me off. He does'nt pay enough attention while watching it, and bashes the show for problems that don't even exist. He is a piss-poor reviewer, and honestly I hope he stops making GOT reviews tbh. He does'nt know what he's talking about. He nitpicks the most trivial stuff and complains to no end. His "Rains of Castamere" review was so pathetic, i was legitimately cringing.I think it's cool to see an Unsullied GOT watcher make review videos, but frankly he fails miserably.

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I used to love Larry's reviews, but I think he doesn't like the show nearly as much as he used to and his reviews are showing it. He used to be completely caught up in the show and every review was basically half speculation, half jumping up and down in awe. But especially in season 3, he's been a lot more critical, and by now is mostly complaining. His "The Rains of Castamere" review was very underwhelming. I knew he'd been spoiled about Robb's and Cat's deaths, but his attitude was more disgruntled than shocked, and he just seemed to be annoyed with the direction the show is taking. I really wouldn't be surprised if he stops watching the series, and at this point I wouldn't care either.

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  • 9 months later...

I reckon he'll go into S4 with the intention of doing a seasonal review and we'll get an expectations video. No premiere review but as soon as Joffrey bites it he'll get another burst of enthusiasm and from E2 onwards he'll be back to doing episode by episode reviews. I think he likes Shae, so her death and the brutality of it may hit him pretty hard but all depends on how effective S4 is in removing our sympathies for her. Otherwise S4 will actually be generally triumphant in tone I think so he'll have renewed faith in S5.

Looks like you were right. An expectations video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnZN_GCFw3U

For those who don't want to watch, he says the reasons for picking it up again are:

1) He's been with the series since day 1 of his channel. It's what he's known for and he hasn't missed an episode of it.

2) His absence spurred others to want to review the show. He views these other channels as usurpers (said in a joking way).

3) Lost a lot of subscribers, but a lot also stuck around. Feels that faith was put in him and viewers should be rewarded by being given content that they want.

I still don't expect much from him though. But maybe his wounded pride (what seems to be the reason behind reasons 1 and 2) will inspire more enthusiasm. He did buy a "The North Remembers" shirt, so there's that.

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I saw the review, and as much as I was starting to dislike his tone towards the end of last season, I'm happy to see him back. It was mainly his despondent attitude that got me down, and he seemed a lot more chipper in this video. As I said way back last year, I think that S4 is generally going to be quite triumphant in tone. It's got some villain deaths (Joffrey, Tywin and to a lesser degree Lysa), it's got moments like Jon's election and the liberation of Meereen. It's also got the introduction to Oberyn and I recall that he was disappointed about the lack of Dornish characters in S3. Not to mention it's just going to be all around the most action packed season from what we've heard. If S4 isn't going to rekindle that fire in him, nothing will.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

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My two favorite YouTube movie/TV critics are schmoesknow and JeremyJahns, and they're both avid fans of the show. Jeremy did a Red Wedding response video and an S4 trailer speculation video, and the schmoes have done weekly episode reviews since the start of season 3.

I don't really like Larry's reviews anymore. He's not particularly insightful by any stretch of the imagination, and the only reason his reviews were ever actually fun to watch was because it's so enjoyable for us to watch Unsullied speculate. It's hard for me to get excited about this latest piece of news.

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I like Larry's because he does fairly long videos, and because he has (or he did have) a very enthusiastic demeanour. You couldn't help but have fun watching. He isn't the most insightful though I'll admit. His expectations video was more of a "what plot points am I looking forward to developing" video rather than a "what do I think will happen" video. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that.

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From what little I've seen of Larry (and I definitely won't be seeing any more), his criticisms are of the "this show isn't giving me my way" variety, which to me is shortsighted and arrogant. I've no interest in critics who think everything should revolve around their personal taste and whine otherwise.

Looking forward to the TYT reviews.

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Just chiming in really quickly to add myself as a former Larry viewer. Once his enthusiasm for the show waned, so did my interest in his videos. I guess he explained that away with his "professional" comment, but if I wanted a professional's insight, I might watch reviews by an actual journalist, not an amateur video. That being said, I like What the Flick's videos a lot, as they've joined many aspects I enjoy all wrapped up: enthusiasm, dissenting opinions, unsullied views, the all-knowing grin of a reader, sense of humour and I guess what i'll describe as a less sterile/surgical approach. I actually came to this thread because I knew there would be other recommended reviewers that I haven't watched, and gearing up for the new season I'm watching speculation videos today. Some of these independent youtubers are so WOODEN during their reviews and pocasts. BAH! I guess i'm just a simpleton, but I want some fun with my show analyses, please.

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I really like What the Flick's reviews and discussion as well, because they actually do have good 'unsullied' opinions for the most part and while they struggle to remember names and places, they seem to know a lot more than your average viewer. Ben in particular, he's a sharp guy. And they're pretty entertaining.

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I really like What the Flick's reviews and discussion as well, because they actually do have good 'unsullied' opinions for the most part and while they struggle to remember names and places, they seem to know a lot more than your average viewer. Ben in particular, he's a sharp guy. And they're pretty entertaining.

What the Flick are the only people I watch on Youtube when it comes to GoT. I just like the way the do it, like it's a talk show or something.

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What the Flick are the only people I watch on Youtube when it comes to GoT. I just like the way the do it, like it's a talk show or something.

Try ComicBookGirl19 as well. She's a book reader, too. And funny.

Her background vids on the houses, while not totally complete, were very good.

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What the Flick are the only people I watch on Youtube when it comes to GoT. I just like the way the do it, like it's a talk show or something.

They're very entertaining. They remind me of me when I started watching the show/reading the books for the first time. Full of excitement. Book reader reviewers on the other hand just annoy me. The endless comparisons to the books just grate on me.

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Book reader reviewers on the other hand just annoy me. The endless comparisons to the books just grate on me.

I agree, almost totally. I DO like having a reader in the mix... someone twisting the moustache or what have you. But book readers' analysis vs show is what I come here to the forums for. I enjoy an unjaded view in my reviews, which makes everything seem new again. My friends (none of which are into the show OR the books although i've tried) know that I don't come up for air until tuesday after the season starts.
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