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[BOOK AND TV SPOILERS] Larry's reviews at OtakuAssemble.


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You're probably referring to JeremyJahns (I think some one already mentioned him in this thread)

I loved this review. I generally like his vids (I'm subbed.) So I'm glad he did a reaction review. I would really like to see more. Makes up for Larry's reaction of "You Spoiled me. This is what you get" sook.
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I've watched all of Larry's reviews since Ned's beheading.

I unsubscribed and feel dirty, this year he clearly had a lack of interest and his critiques were insipid.

Whattheflick fills in nicely as long as Cenk is there

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Larry's first season reviews were fresh and naive and wonderful in their sincerity. Reviewing S3E9, he claims he's lost interest in the show and will not be reviewing it for S4.

OK. Guess we don't have to follow Larry Williams any more.

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When I watched is expectation video for season 3, I could tell something was up. It seems like he was just bashing the show.

Larry might stop reviewing the show but no way he gives up watching it completely. Whenever someone is invested enough in a show that they know the names of all the characters, they don't just stop watching. Curiosity is a hell of a drug.

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A few of his early reviews were vaguely funny, but alas, for me Larry has now become just a silly little boy, jumping up and down, yelling and throwing tantrums because things on the show didn't turn out the way HE expected or wanted them to. Tough.

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Well if he's watching the first few episodes of S4 it seems clear to me that he'll be back on track after Joffrey's death (Seems set to be E2.). His main problem about the show has been why would he watch a show where the bad guys never get their comeuppance? S4 may finally deliver.

Whether he'll just be strung along for another season or he'll fully engage again I don't know.

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Meh. I saw his expectations video for S3. I knew his reviews this season would be over-criticizing and whiny, so I avoided them. I caved in and watched his Episode 3x09 review. What a baby.

He'll be back for Season 4 without a doubt :laugh:

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I reckon he'll go into S4 with the intention of doing a seasonal review and we'll get an expectations video. No premiere review but as soon as Joffrey bites it he'll get another burst of enthusiasm and from E2 onwards he'll be back to doing episode by episode reviews. I think he likes Shae, so her death and the brutality of it may hit him pretty hard but all depends on how effective S4 is in removing our sympathies for her. Otherwise S4 will actually be generally triumphant in tone I think so he'll have renewed faith in S5.

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Yes, but then when Jon Snow bites it he'll go into another downward spiral of depression. Yeesh.

He occasionally has moments of insight so perhaps he'll catch on to the fact that Melisandre may resurrect him, especially now it's been made more explicit that she can do that in the show.

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^the guys on this youtube channel do the best non-book reader reviews for GoT. the are deeply invested in the show, analyzing anything. a lot of times there predictions are spot on. one of the guys peiced together who theon's captor was and what was up with tywin's letters.

I started watching their reviews and the shorter hair guy is really pessimistic sometimes. But it's an interesting contrast to the other guy, who is generally more optimistic. He's more critical of the show, which can be more interesting to hear, but he also is a bit unnecessarily negative at times. Episode 1 review and he's predicting Littlefinger will die soon. But at that point, the only ones shown to dislike him are dead, ignoring him because "power is power," or the alphawhore. Other than his occasional needless bleakness, his criticisms are much more valid than Larry's because it has less to do with "I thought this would happen but it didn't, so now it sucks." They tend to have pretty decent reasons behind them. He said he would have opened the season with Davos opening his eyes because of the symbolism of the audience also being brought back into the world.

More comments like that would probably get people to stick around for Larry's reviews, but alas! We were not so lucky.

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I reckon he'll go into S4 with the intention of doing a seasonal review and we'll get an expectations video. No premiere review but as soon as Joffrey bites it he'll get another burst of enthusiasm and from E2 onwards he'll be back to doing episode by episode reviews. I think he likes Shae, so her death and the brutality of it may hit him pretty hard but all depends on how effective S4 is in removing our sympathies for her. Otherwise S4 will actually be generally triumphant in tone I think so he'll have renewed faith in S5.

I'm less certain. I was expecting a bout of enthusiasm from him when Dany turned her dragons and Unsullied on Astapor. Instead, he basically noted it in the course of 3 seconds at the end of that week's review, without much interest.

I think he's just spent. He doesn't care about GoT anymore. Not even the fist-pumping moments.

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I'm less certain. I was expecting a bout of enthusiasm from him when Dany turned her dragons and Unsullied on Astapor. Instead, he basically noted it in the course of 3 seconds at the end of that week's review, without much interest.

I think he's just spent. He doesn't care about GoT anymore. Not even the fist-pumping moments.

I dunno. The fact he's even considered seasonal reviews suggests to me that he's still got a spark of enthusiasm left, and you can see it in some of his season 3 reviews. Dracarys is a pretty awesome imo, but it's also taking vengeance against a random city a lot of TV viewers won't care about, and I can see why a lot of people criticise the logic of it (even though I thought it was perfectly logical).

Joffrey's death is a lot, a lot bigger than Dracarys. And in general I think S4 will be more upbeat, or at least as upbeat as GOT ever gets. I think Larry will appreciate the coming vengeance if he sticks around.

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I dunno. The fact he's even considered seasonal reviews suggests to me that he's still got a spark of enthusiasm left, and you can see it in some of his season 3 reviews. Dracarys is a pretty awesome imo, but it's also taking vengeance against a random city a lot of TV viewers won't care about, and I can see why a lot of people criticise the logic of it (even though I thought it was perfectly logical).

Joffrey's death is a lot, a lot bigger than Dracarys. And in general I think S4 will be more upbeat, or at least as upbeat as GOT ever gets. I think Larry will appreciate the coming vengeance if he sticks around.

Knowing Larry I think he will see Joffreys death, as he thought the RW was "lame", being too underwhelwing as he had probably envisioned it to be something like a Stark riding in on his white horse, getting Sansa, stabbing Joffrey down while uttering the words; "Winter have come for you". Or some other cliché like that.

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If it's really just because he isn't interested in the show anymore, that's fine, I don't blame him, it happens. If it's more what he hinted at in the video about how he doesn't like that people just watch his GoT stuff and don't watch all his videos, well, that's a bit like Doritos discontinuing sale of its Nacho Cheese flavored chips to try to boost sales of its Intense Pickle flavored chips.

Sorry Larry.

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If it's really just because he isn't interested in the show anymore, that's fine, I don't blame him, it happens. If it's more what he hinted at in the video about how he doesn't like that people just watch his GoT stuff and don't watch all his videos, well, that's a bit like Doritos discontinuing sale of its Nacho Cheese flavored chips to try to boost sales of its Intense Pickle flavored chips.

Sorry Larry.

And though they searched high and low, a better analogy could not be found throughout the land.

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