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[BOOK AND TV SPOILERS] Larry's reviews at OtakuAssemble.


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What the Flick is good if you enjoy the chemistry of the panelists-and for me seeing TV only fans fumble in the dark. That's it. I think it's hard to distill the rest of the appeal of a 30 minute review. So that'll have to do. You either want that or you don't really. It helps that TYT had their own built in fanbase who, y'know, like them and want to hear them talk.

There's nothing wrong with being or not being in that camp, it's just a matter of taste.

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AV club has the best reviews. Not only for GoT. Just in general. They have a Sullied and an Unsullied review every episode. They are really tough graders on that site too and have never given GoT lower than a B, which is really good as TV shows go. Then afterwards they do a season review article. I'd recommend keeping up with their commentary as the season commences.

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AV club has the best reviews. Not only for GoT. Just in general. They have a Sullied and an Unsullied review every episode. They are really tough graders on that site too and have never given GoT lower than a B, which is really good as TV shows go. Then afterwards they do a season review article. I'd recommend keeping up with their commentary as the season commences.

Yeah i like them. Though i only ever read their "experts" reviews.

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^The Unsullied reviewer is good too and often catches on to plot points before they happen and things like that. He didn't do the review the week Blackwater aired and someone less familiar with the show reviewed it and gave it a B.. Blackwater a B! That pissed me off but the regular reviewer would have never done that.

My point of bringing up the AV club is that they are tough critics. They often rip apart movies that do well and win Oscars (though I guess its all subjective). But if their guys like GoT then that says something, doesn't it?

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Looks like you were right. An expectations video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnZN_GCFw3U

For those who don't want to watch, he says the reasons for picking it up again are:

1) He's been with the series since day 1 of his channel. It's what he's known for and he hasn't missed an episode of it.

2) His absence spurred others to want to review the show. He views these other channels as usurpers (said in a joking way).

3) Lost a lot of subscribers, but a lot also stuck around. Feels that faith was put in him and viewers should be rewarded by being given content that they want.

I still don't expect much from him though. But maybe his wounded pride (what seems to be the reason behind reasons 1 and 2) will inspire more enthusiasm. He did buy a "The North Remembers" shirt, so there's that.

Well, since he only likes the show when his theories are right, he should enjoy how Tyrion's story ends.

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Agreed. Of the videos I DO watch, I personally don't read the comments anyway. I feel like that's a place for messages to the maker of the video, and I get frustrated with the arguments/trolling/spoilering going on in comments. I just want to rip my hair out sometimes r/e the stupidity. Again, that's what the forum is for. Lol.

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Again what is the funny part?

Their reviews are top notch, IMO since i fall in the "Purist" category. What the Flick on the other hand are just some over-rated snobbish "Unsullied" reviewers from TYT.

Probably that you think they're good. Idk. I'm just guessing since I've heard lots of people that don't like them. Never bothered with them myself.

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Larry was so cynical and jaded about the whole thing last year, I don't really feel like giving him another shot. Feels like a last ditch attempt to get some hits now that he saw the attention he gets without the show

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I'll give him one more shot myself. I think if this where really all about views he wouldn't have waited an entire year before announcing his return. Or for that matter he wouldn't have quit in the first place. I'd say the views are nudging him back towards it, but so long as he's not completely selling out and reviewing a show he hates than that's not a problem to me.

As for other reviews, I'm not sure how I feel about What the Flick. They've got nice, long reviews but sometimes it feels like the Unsullied just screaming about what was awesome with the book reader sitting quiet in the corner. But then I was kind of biased against them because they called Daenerys, Khaleesi. Which as I found out wasn't because they thought that was her actual name, so I guess I need to go into their reviews next year with less judgement.

EDIT: I have to say though rewatching them now they're being surprisingly insightful. Maybe I was being more judgemental than I thought with the Khalessi thing. But that is a bit of nail in the coffin for me when reviewers don't know stuff like that. It's just a big red flag that they don't know what they're talking about.

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I don't much like Elio and Linda's reviews, mostly because I'm not a book purist. I hate judging every aspect of the show as a 1:1 comparison to the novels, it's unfair and unrealistic. Yes, the books are better, and the show was never going to be able to capture everything that makes the books great: there are only so many times you can repeat that before you start to sound like a whiny asshole. It just makes me sad when people can't appreciate great television because it's not quite as good as the source material it's based on.

When reviewing the show, I try to forget what I know about the books and look at it objectively. Does the story work? Are the characters interesting? Is the acting/writing/production quality great? When the answer to all these questions, week after week, is an enthusiastic "yes," I really can't fault the show for changing things from the books beyond a brief moment of disappointment if it was something I cared about that was cut. I think this stance is just much more interesting than getting in front of a camera every week to scream "The books were better! The books were better! THE BOOKS WERE BETTER!!" Unsullied reviews are way more entertaining, and they don't get me depressed about this fanbase.

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I think "the books are better" is a perfectly valid complaint if the show could feasibly have portrayed things as in the books. It's one thing to say, "the books are so much better, the show completely excises the rivalry between the Blackwoods and the Brackens," and quite another to say "the books are better, the romances are a lot less cliche and are more nuanced." The litmus test for me is would I have wanted the plot to go differently even if there were no books. Oftentimes the answer is yes.

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^I don't mind that critique, but often the things I'd like to be different about the show are the things that I don't like about the books.

That said, there are things I'd wished they'd done more like the book and there are things they should have done less like them. But, hell, I still love the show.

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Again what is the funny part?

Their reviews are top notch, IMO since i fall in the "Purist" category. What the Flick on the other hand are just some over-rated snobbish "Unsullied" reviewers from TYT.

Purist calling unsullied snobbish. Pot meet kettle. I like whattheflick because they actually match my own excitement about the show. I would hate being a person who watches the show only to complain over every change from the books. Seriously, if you people hate the show so much why do you continue to watch it.

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Larry was so cynical and jaded about the whole thing last year, I don't really feel like giving him another shot. Feels like a last ditch attempt to get some hits now that he saw the attention he gets without the show

I kinda feel bad for him. I think Ned's Starks death ruined his excitement for the series. Also, alot of his book reader audience were spoiling stuff for him and sending him a ton of hate over his dislike of Sansa. I don't really watch his reviews anymore because they seem to be forced for the sake of keeping views up on his channel.

AV Club is great - a perfect example that Unsullied aren't as clueless as some book readers make them out to be.

I agree. Best written reviews.

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