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[Book Spoilers] Nitpick without repercussion!


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I was OK with the Tywin/Arya dynamic at first but it's getting silly. I'm officially laying odds that he's going to adopt her and make her his heir by the end of the season.

Jaime killing his cousin? Not his character at all. He's not an enemy and I just don't see it. He didn't kill Brienne, someone who he would have cared about even less, so why kill a cousin?

Am I the only one that starts laughing during Dany scenes now? Xaro makes himself king and I just busted out laughing. I figured Dany would start on her fire and blood speech. The best scene for Dany was the one between her and Jorah. He's the only part of her storyline I'm enjoying. Sorry, the stolen dragons do nothing for me. She's going to get them back.

I'm pretty ticked off that they made it look as if The Hound told on Sansa to Cersei. That's just not in his character and makes even less sense after his protection comment. I'm hoping that turns out not to be the case.

The Cersei and Tyrion scene was awkward. I really miss Cersei from the books. In fact, I'm surprised at how much I do.

Martin is so good at showing class and gender divisions. He's consistent when it comes to the treatment of small folk and treatment of women. But, the show seems so random in comparison. Mrycella is shipped off to Dorne but Tywin's new BFF is a cupbearer?

Also, I really miss Ros. /sarcasm

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I've already nitpicked, but I need to make another complaint regarding Stannis. They've given him so little screen time, most people have forgotten he is a contestant in the Game. Most of my non-reader friends are not sure who he really is, let alone who Davos is. I'm getting the impression they're so focused on the Starks, the Lannisters and Dany that they neglect his Grace the Awesomeness, Stannis.

If he ends up on the Iron Throne, while most of us book-readers will cheer, the rest will be like ''oh that guy? who cares about him?''

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Sunday night's viewing left me annoyed and unfulfilled. Most of all I felt like they could have played with the audience a little more regarding Rickon and Bran. They could have made new viewers actually think Theon killed the boys. In the book of course we know they didn't, and the whole fun of that section is watching everyone else react to the misinformation, but I thought they went the wrong way with it in the show, even going so far as to add in the cheesy "Oh gee look Rickon, there's where those two orphan boys live that look just like us! Ok, let's continue our tour!".

Tywin is having a grand old time with his cup bearer. Wha???!!?? Our Tywin wouldn't do that. Though I really like the banter, it doesn't make sense for the character. People are supposed to be hating Tywin, not loving him.

Jon and Ygritte are fine so far for me. Ghost used to wander off in the book all the time btw, and was gone for large chunks of time.

Qarth; I agree that it's kind of nice to not know what's coming next.

Jamie; doesn't fit per se but as long as they make him an asshole

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I was almost sure that Tyrion and Cersi were going to hug at the end of their little chat! *shakes head* While I think that Cersi had a lot of inner thoughts about Joffrey's cruelty, she never would have voiced them. That was just the wierdest scene ever.

And I know we have seen the wild fire... but we haven't heard anythign about the chain. And with Stannis apparently a week away, you would think that would have been started by now.

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I do not think Jamies escape attempt was futile, the Stark army is in Lannister territory. Do have a problem with how Jon is portrayed, in many ways in the books, Jon is a more humble and polite version of Robb and is a decent subordinate for the most part. In the show I find myself womdering what the Old Bear ever saw in him much less giving him his families Valyrian sword.

Not particularly bothered by the Tyrion and Cersei scene. Despite her loathing of Tyrion he is probaly one of the few people she can be honest with,. There are times in the book that she at least pretends to be amiacable with him(ACOK).

Shaes behaivor can be explained if she is trying to earn Sansas trust. Sandors appearance could be that he had simply come to fetch Sansa for some other reason.

I think Tywin beleives his cup bearer is a noble and he is having fun trying to get her to slip up, Peytr might have told him who she is all ready, it doesn't make a difference to him as she is a captive anyway. This sets up the great Arya hunt that will continue for the next couple of seasons and that was implied in the books and culminated with the massacre at Saltpans.

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Most disappointing thing has been Bran and Rickon's death. In the book I was actually brought to tears when I found out but NOBODY who watches the show only thinks they are dead.

They made it way too obvious.... I was really looking forward to seeing people's reactions when they find out Bran and Rickon are still alive but they messed up pretty badly IMO here.

They should have avoided any talk of the miller's boys, and should NOT have shown that small scene with Bran and Rickon.

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I am glad to find out that TV Tywin is not a moron, but what about TV Arya? Is Arya that dumb where she would go on and on about history like that? She didn't just say an educated sentence and then kind of get uncomfortable for sharing too much, she was naming dragons and talking about Valryian steel, etc. etc. Would she have ever made it so obvious she could read? Book Arya is just so freakin' cautious and does everything she can to play the part of a low-born. Out. of. character.

And I am getting more uncomfortable with the Cersei/Tyrion scene by the minute. I can't believe for a second that Cersei would ever mention her incest to Tyrion, let along cry about her past sins. Reaalllyyyy? If she's game-playing Tyrion I can give it a pass, but it didn't look that way to me.

And I'm not going back through the thread because I keep getting errors, but I agree with whoever said Sandor being over Sansa's bed was kind of creepy. What was up with that?

Also, is there a guy named Stannis in the show? Doesn't he want to be a king or something and has that red-haired priestess woman following him? Whatever happened to that guy?

What's weird about the episodes this season is that to me, anyway, they seem to start out really awkward and the scenes don't flow well. I don't know what it is, but things just seem off. Dialogue is choppy and I keep facepalming. By the end of the episode it's usually a lot better, but it's like they have to build up to being any good.

If Jon breaks his vows without any orders from the Halfhand I will be really upset. And that's not just a nitpick. That would be totally ruining his story. But they have three more episodes with him to kill, so I'm sure they can do it. I liked Ygritte, but wow, they really went over the top with her seduction stuff.

I actually kind of liked this episode, regardless of my bazillion nitpicks.

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You're right, the showrunners really overstepped their bounds by giving the audience more Tywin/Charles Dance at the expense of a minor, two-dimensional character who has no bearing on events in the long-run. And to pair a great actor like Dance with the amazing talent of Maisie Williams is offensive to George R.R. Martin and an affront to book-readers everwhere! Let us weep for the tragically shortchanged Ser Amory Lorch. </sarcasm>

Are some of you guys for real?

Why would you come to a thread that was created for people to bitch, and then bitch about them bitching?

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They should have avoided any talk of the miller's boys, and should NOT have shown that small scene with Bran and Rickon.

Wouldn't have mattered - it's fairly obvious they're not going to kill Bran and Rickon won't be randomly killed off screen. I don't think it's supposed to be a cliffhanger in the show, anyway. The audience aren't supposed to be fooled, surely? Just the members of Winterfell.

Hated hated hated Jaime killing Alton. Stupid. Ruined a perfect scene otherwise.

Don't have a large problem with Cat freeing Jaime without knowing about Bran (well I assume that's what'll happen) - she thought he was going to be killed thus ruining any chance of getting Sansa/Arya back so it makes sense, her motivations are still fine.

Dany's scenes are meh, agree with the person that said her scene with Jorah was the best. Definitely her strongest scene. I don't really buy 'Ducksauce' (I'm aware that's not how it's spelled but :P ) at all and the dragon stealing is fairly 'meh'.

Overall though I really enjoyed the episode, the Jaime thing is the biggest pet peeve of mine, though. Felt if they'd gotten it right it would have been much better overall; still a very good episode though.

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I am glad to find out that TV Tywin is not a moron, but what about TV Arya? Is Arya that dumb where she would go on and on about history like that? She didn't just say an educated sentence and then kind of get uncomfortable for sharing too much, she was naming dragons and talking about Valryian steel, etc. etc. Would she have ever made it so obvious she could read? Book Arya is just so freakin' cautious and does everything she can to play the part of a low-born. Out. of. character.

I can see the history about the dragons and weapons being something a commoner could know. Those are really old stories/tales, so people who know them would tell a young girl who likes dragon stories. But the rest, she is treading on dangerous ground. I liked Tywin pointing out Arya's use of "My Lord" verse "M'Lord". But I also liked that in true defiant Arya style, she stood her ground.

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I'm kind of worried that the House of the Undying scene, which I have looked forward to for so long, is going to be reduced to a frantic dragonhunt.

Same here. That's one of my favourite Dany chapters, and I've been waiting to see it on screen since I read it. Granted, that was only about 2 months ago in my case but I still know how you feel ;)

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I can see the history about the dragons and weapons being something a commoner could know. Those are really old stories/tales, so people who know them would tell a young girl who likes dragon stories. But the rest, she is treading on dangerous ground. I liked Tywin pointing out Arya's use of "My Lord" verse "M'Lord". But I also liked that in true defiant Arya style, she stood her ground.

Didn't Arya think about the "m'lord" vs. "my lord" thing before and was careful to say "m'lord" around Roose? I don't have the books with me right now so I can't say for certain, but I just remember how careful she was with Roose. Also, I noticed that she didn't even end most of her sentences with Tywin with "my lord" in the show. She just seemed kind of disrespectful for a cupbearer to someone so high in nobility in general, and Arya was always more careful than that. But TV Tywin was allowing it and she's just a kid, so I guess it's okay. It's just weird seeing how much Arya struggled in the books, and it's like Disneyland here on the show. Not only did she get an awesome upgrade from nothing to Lord of Casterly Rock's cupbearer, but grandpa Tywin also treats her like a relative - feeds her, jokes with her, lets her backtalk and spill wine all over the table without being punished....it's a lot of fun at HBO Harrenhal.

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I was actually a bit annoyed by the Dany/Jorah scene in this one. "I have no need of trust." I feel like the point of their relationship is that he's one of the only people she does trust. If she already doesn't trust him at this point (or doesn't care if she should trust him or not), are we going to care next season when she finds out he's betrayed her?

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We saw Shaggydog and Summer while they were all walking towards the farm.

The last we saw Ghost was only one night ago I think. Just before they attacked the wildling cliftop outpost, Jon watched Ghost disappear off somewhere. He's slept with Ygritte once since then. Ghost disappearing for a night isn't that much of a stretch.

My problem is less with Ghost's absence and more with Shaggydog's and especially Summer's. But that might just be me remembering the book wrong. I just remember Summer being a constant companion, always there either physically or in Bran's dreams.

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I was actually a bit annoyed by the Dany/Jorah scene in this one. "I have no need of trust." I feel like the point of their relationship is that he's one of the only people she does trust. If she already doesn't trust him at this point (or doesn't care if she should trust him or not), are we going to care next season when she finds out he's betrayed her?

I also got the impression that she was implying that she didn't trust him. That was weird....? Did I see that wrong? Dany trusted Jorah more than anyone else in the world. I'm glad I don't care about Dany's storyline or am a Dany/Jorah shipper... I'd be really upset....

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I also got the impression that she was implying that she didn't trust him. That was weird....? Did I see that wrong? Dany trusted Jorah more than anyone else in the world. I'm glad I don't care about Dany's storyline or am a Dany/Jorah shipper... I'd be really upset....

I'm totally a shipper, that's why I'm upset. :bang:

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