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Why do people hate Euron despite his small appearence so far?

Raven King

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He does not have a pov, so we can't tell his intentions/motives, but every character with a POV seem to dislike him, most of the ironborn hated him thats why he was exiled.. He raped Victorion's wife also.. and cut that woman toungue and gave her to Victorion..

He is probably as bad as it gets, but we can't even sympathize with him (as we do with Tywin or Jaime for exemple, even though they done awful things) because we don't know his true self.

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What everyone else has said. what he did to the people on the Shields Islands is some of the worst stuff in the book IMO.

If you're talking about making the highborn women strip naked and serve the Ironborn food, that wasn't his idea. There was a bastard sister who was shat on by the whole family and asked Euron to do this.

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To state what everyone's said - He's an Ironborn, they're all idiots - He's cruel and a douchebag, he raped Victarion's wife and forced a mother and her girls to serve his men, naked - He's a kinslayer (heavily implied) - GRRM is forcing the fact that he is COOL down our throats - He has a silly gimmick in which he as a blue eye and (also heavily implied) a red eye, each one to indicate his mood...it's hard to take him seriously after that.

1. Nowhere does it say he raped Victarion's wife.

2. And? Tyrion is also a kinslayer.

3. Uh... when is GRRM forcing his 'coolness' down our throats? Are you talking about when he pouted and stormed out of the hall after being yelled at or when he thought he could fly by jumping out a window?

4. His eyes are silly, but there are much worse offenders out there.

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There's just something so cartoonish about him. He is so high on the list of characters that I can't take seriously. He's almost out of the Pirates of the Caribbean. I also thought Balon was a great character/villain, very malevolent and authentic, so I hate seeing him die and be replaced by the more annoying Victarion and Euron.

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His character doesn't feel natural, way too Deus Ex Plotmachination and too crafted.

Magic mysterious elder brother appears out of nowhere and has all sort of unrealistic magic and power. Bleh, he's so out of place in the ASOIF world it sucks.

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He is way to cartoony. To much of a "super" villain for me..This is ignoring all the things that has already been mentioned about him, the rape,tongue cutting etc..Atleast Victarion is a slightly more complex character, for an Ironborn..I dont want Euron to be a new Tywin, that wouldnt fit the story imo.

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The cake he gave me as a gift for my birthday made me sick for several days and nearly killed me.

Silly danm. Everybody knows that all his gifts are poisoned.

I don't hate Euron. Yet. What little I do know of him tells me that I will, soon enough.

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I don't care about any of the bad things he did. Victarion isn't a much better human being but at least he entertains me in his angry silliness.

When I read Euron I see an unnecessary get-Dany-back-to-Westeros plot device that covers himself with shiny objects screaming "Look at me! I'm even cooler than Darkstar! Look at meeeeee!!"

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