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I think the Winds of Winter is going to be... Amazing.

Lady Hodor

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The pandemonium of GoT, CoK, and especially SoS necessitated an "interbellum" period like FfC and DwD. Admittedly, they were both long and could have been condensed into a single novel, but when ASOIAF is over, we will wish there was even more to read.

Also, remember that GRRM originally conceived of ASOIAF as having a "time leap" of several years in the middle of the story. GRRM probably planned to skip the interbellum and resume the story just as conflict was stirring, but quickly realized that the narrative was mired in recalling past events, so decided to abandon the time leap and just tell the whole story, lull in the action and all.

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So alot of the time on these forums I have read people talking about how they thought the books were going downhill.

While I don't agree, I do consent that some things were not as fantastic as expected, or at least not as the other books were.

But I believe that the Winds of Winter is going to make all of us regret doubting Martin for one single second, as its going to be epic.

Think about it. Martin obviously knows, from hearing fans or looking on sites like this, that some were disappointed in the last books.

And he's going to want to shock us back in awe and amazement so that our faith is regained in his story. And he will suceed.

Think about how much we have to look forward to in those pages!

- Whatever Daenerys decides to do with the Dothraki

- The fate of Aegon Targaryen and his plans

- Cersei and Margery's trials

- Arya as an assassin

- Stannis v Bolton

- Jon's fate

- The Others

- The trouble in the Vale

- Tyrion and the gold cloaks

- Whatever Lady Stoneheart is up to

- Possible revelations on the Tower of Joy

And when I look at that list I honestly have no idea of what way they might end up, as the story is so brilliantly unpredictable.

The Winds of Winter will be epic, that is my belief, as both Martin's retaliation and a story packed thick with amazing stories.

Even if it does end up coming out at Christmas 2015 or something, it just means he's spent longer to make it that much more legendary.

Do you reckon so too?

GRRM has repeatedly stated that he doesn't give a lick what the fans think and writes the story to what he feels it should be...he always expresses in interviews, that the art is his and not a democratic form of expression...so despite how many people weren't to so enamoured with AFFC and DWD....Martin will continue the story as he sees fit....In my opinion it was just pretty hard to top SOS, with all the juicy plot twists and of course the RW. It was almost a given that there would be a kind of lul in the action until the players got up to speed again. I expect to WOW to be action packed..what with 3 major battles to be resolved and the fate of the north hanging in the balance. Of course alot of these issues were supposed to be resolved in DWD, but Martin got a little long winded, and a good cliff hanger sells alot of books.

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I know Martin has stated that he will be done with game of thrones once the final book is written, but I would sure like to see a prequel ...I would like to see the events the led to roberts rebellion and mad king arey's and rheagar and of course Neds sister and brother and father.....we can always hope can't we....

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I know Martin has stated that he will be done with game of thrones once the final book is written, but I would sure like to see a prequel ...I would like to see the events the led to roberts rebellion and mad king arey's and rheagar and of course Neds sister and brother and father.....we can always hope can't we....

I think we actually find out more about that anyway, and there won't be any need.

I would actually prefer something a little different from that.

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Far too many of you are already setting your expectations too high...remind yourselves that it is the second last book. Not the last.

That being said, Dance is probably my second fav so I like that as a lead in. I have expectations that are pretty high as well, but they're in check...

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