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Lady Hodor

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So I was just wondering, what do you reckon the little Naaith scribe has to offer?

Personally I find her quite interesting. She's obviously clever, and wit prospers well in Westeros.
Barristan Selmy even notes that he thought her smarter than all the men on the council.
She can speak a dozen languages around the world, which is no easy task.
And she advises Dany on what to do concerning Meereen's state, without which Dany might have failed even worse.
She was also the one who came up with Selmy's plan to take down Hizdar and his men.

For a tiny ten year old, that's pretty damned impressive.

I reckon that Missandei has a big future ahead in the game of thrones. I couldn't imagine what exactly...
But to try and guess Martin's intentions is to try and guess the lottery numbers.

I still think she has potential in something important that will occur when Dany at last moves to the attack.
She's been built up to be someone clever and sharp and quick-witted, which will most definetly aid her to survive the game...
Or even win...

No. But still, what do you think of Missandei? What lies ahead for her?

I can't wait til she's reunited with her mum...

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I think some people read too much into Missandei. I very much doubt she's a Faceless Man, or a Child of the Forest. She is what she seems to be. An abnormally intelligent child, who's very kind and sweet, and who loves Daenerys intensely and is loved by her in turn.
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