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Targaryen looks


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Yes I love the Targaryen looks! I think the reason I like Rhaegar is basically because of his looks :P ehem, anyway....


I kinda imagine most of the Targs to be hot, but in different flavors. Like Aegon the conqueror being quite masculine and traditionally handsome, while Aerion Brightflame I think of as more feminine, pretty/beautiful looking.


The girls I imagine (God I use that word a lot don't I?) to have more of the same looks: all very femininely beautiful, since it doesn't seem like more masculine looks on girls are appreciated :'( (except on Visenya maybe?)

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Do people really find the Targaryen looks attractive? In the books they do obviously but when you read the books do you find them terribly attractive?


They're beautiful.  The text make it clear that they are beautiful people.  Their perfection is unusual.  I'm going to take a guess and say it is more than just selective, controlled breeding that gave them such beauty. 


Valyria was super advanced.  I have pictured them as wizards and witches, walking around in robes and pajamas, twirling wands.  But that's not likely to be accurate.  I think those people were scientists and they were engaged in eugenics to create the perfect human specimens.  I remember a passage in aDwD when Dany revealed that neither her nor Viserys had ever been sick.  That's not natural, unless you're immune system is just out of this world effective. 

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By the way, can Targaryens tan?



Yes, they can.  When she first encounters the wine merchant that's trying to poison her, Daenerys is mistaken for Dokrathi with her "sun-browned skin".  In The Sworn Sword, Dunk remembers Egg going "brown as a Dornishman" when they spend time in Dorne.

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