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GRRM has consistently stated the ending will be Bittersweet

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I think the bitter part means Dany will survive :bang:

But seriously, we have quite a few characters that we root for (Jon, Arya, Bran, Tyrion, among others), and I don't see all of them making it to the end. Some will have to be killed off, but I think the major conflict will be resolved. That sounds bittersweet enough for me.

ETA: At this point we don't even know what the major conflict is, so the ending could be a long way away

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I have no doubt it will be bittersweet and the end of some character arcs will leave us devastated. Good guys will die, bad ones will thrive and survive.

Has anyone here read 'Fevre Dream' by GRRM?

The book's main character is a steamboat capitain who has only one big dream: win a steamboat race against the biggest, most famed steamboat on the river. After a couple of hundreds pages that famed steamboat gets randomly crushed by a storm. So, after anticipating the glorious final race all the time the reader gets....nothing. It's definitively a surprising twist, and it's the bitter in bittersweet.

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My two closest reader friends and I were discussing this notion of "bittersweet" not too long ago. My take was that the bitter part could wind up being really, really bitter. As in, everyone that we love dies, the entire Stark family is wiped out (except for tree-Bran), Tommen sits the throne with Cersei behind him and Margaery beside him, the Freys are elevated to a Great House, etc.

"So what's the 'sweet' part?" they asked. Well, after the Wall fell, Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Arya, the Sand Snakes, damphair, all the northern lords, and warging Bran teamed up to defeat The Great Other and his minions and return magical balance to the realm. And it was F'n sweet!

In short, I don't really care as much about the dénouement as I do about, 1) the existential threat presented by the Others being mitigated (if not destroyed, 2) some type of resolution (or explanation) about the role of The Citadel and The Septons in all this, and 3) Bran.

Cersei lives? Great. Some random person on the Iron Throne? Whatever. Arya dies by falling off a horse? OK. Just give me the super-sweet and I'll take whatever bitter he can serve up.

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Imo it would be ridiculous to have Cersei sitting on the throne in the end. The Lannisters are all but destroyed, and I see Cersei going through a long, long suffering (including seeing all 3 of her kids die). In fact, she may go through so much that we as readers actually feel sorry for her, and guess what? That's when GRRM trolls us offs her

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It is his story and he can end it how he wants, but hopefully it is satisfying for the readers and not overly bitter. Bittersweet to me means favorite characters will die, but ultimately the worst will die and the best won't. That Westoros will be left in shambles but not to the point where one can't envision it being rebuilt.

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I read somewhere, he meant to end it with a huge graveyard. I just pray some of my favorite characters end up alive (and happy). The Mountain has to go, but I don´t care if some Freys live.


GRRM was joking when he made that comment about the huge graveyard.

As to the ending, Martin has said he does not like the ending to Harry Potter but has described the ending of LoTR as bittersweet. I think we can use that to extrapolate what the end will be like.

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Or it could be that characters we like (e.g. Sansa) end up living, but in a less than favourable manner (married and believing she is Littlefinger's second Cat or something). Dany turning up in Westeros far too late as it becomes more stable, only to be branded a crazy invader. Arya losing all sense of identity as she becomes a FM. Jon living as unJon, and being just as miserable and empty as the other unPeople. Bran living in the same way as Bloodraven. Really, there are many ways for the main characters to live miserably.

I also fear that the ending might be post-apocalyptic and leave me wishing that Dany had stayed in Essos with all my favourite characters. Westeros overrun with wights and Others, quarantined by the other continents.

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I expect some of the most popular and main characters to live.. and some to die.

I expect some of the people we hate to live, and some to die.

It will be a mixed bag, very realistic. Not every bad person gets what they deserve, and sometimes great people die like dogs.

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Bittersweet...I always thought that maybe means opposite sides shall collide...Ice and fire, lion and wolf, good and bad...Maybe Martin meant that everything shall be bittersweet, because he means to connect and unite oposite sides

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the seven kingdom saved but in dire need of rebuilding and the next generation on the way

That's the way I look at it. He's built such a complicated world with a history to match. We as readers are dipping into a slice of that. Unless he's building to something genuinely apocalyptic it feels to me that 'our' story should end in an open way to show that what follows will be just as complicated and bloody.

We don't want dany and jon holding hands and skipping across fields of wild flowers and cheering small folk. Especially if they're being led into a garden by a talking lion.

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I think Dany will die (after defeating the Others). Many people seem to find her annoying, but I think she's meant to be one of the characters that people should root for the most. It would be a bittersweet ending. She never gets the Iron Throne and sie dies heirless as the last of the Targaryens, but she will serve the Realm and ultimatively save everyone in it.

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It's too painful for me to even think about it.

I'll be upset if the Starks don't get some measure of revenge against the Lannisters.

When you think about it there's already been some bittersweet moments like Joffrey's death. Yeah it was great to see him die but he died at the hands of the Tyrells. Also Sansa was able to escape from the clutches of the Lannisters but now she's in the hands of LF. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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