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Aerion Targaryen

The Undefeated Gaul

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I wonder if Varys/Illyrio or anyone has followed up on this? As Varys kept track of Robert's bastards maybe he done the same here? He does have an interest in the whole Targ thing after all.

It wouldn't surprise me if Varys had a pocket Targ or two hanging around somewhere, but it seems like Varys is entirely ignorant of Jon, so I'm not sure how much he'd know about others.

What I'm curious about is what happened to the one son of Aerion's that was acknowledged (and seemingly present) in Westeros at the time of the Great Council. The son, then an infant, was considered for the crown, but they rejected him because of fears that he would turn out like his father. That bit of info seems to suggest that he was legitimate, as he was technically in the line of succession. So Aerion found some poor sap to marry and bear at least one heir for him. What happened to the boy?

- Aurane Waters

I think it's probably best to assume that Aurane is Lord Velaryon's bastard until we're given some more information about his origins.

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Egg (Aegon) was younger than Aerion, and therefor could be considered a similar age to maester Aemon at the wall? Meaning that Aerion's son would have been quite old??

Maybe Aerion's grandson (if he has one) might be significant in one way or another

Egg was 33, with his own children at the time he ascended the throne, and we know at the time of the succession, Aerion's son was an infant. That's good reason to suspect that Aerion's marriage could have been fairly recent at the time of the Great Council.

I agree that we're not likely to hear much about the son, but a generation or two down the line fits with the time period for the main story. I'm just extremely curious about the son's fate.

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have you ever wondered who his mother is?

It's likely a non-Targaryen woman. At the time of Aurane's birth, the only known Targaryen woman of childbearing age would have been Queen Rhaella. I'm willing to bet she was kept under pretty close supervision and protection in the Red Keep, given Aerys's paranoia. It's always possible that there were other extant Targaryen women of the right age running around somewhere, but they've never been referenced in the story.

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Since we have two threads going at once on pretty much the same topic, I'll post my theory here as well.

I've long thought that Varys may be Aerion's son that was passed over by the great council. The great council was made up of the lords of all of the major houses in Westeros. They decided to pass him over for the crown and give it to Aegon V. I think in addition to passing him over, they may have also decided to castrate him to ensure that he would sire no heirs to later make a claim on the throne. This would certainly give him the motivation to do what he is currently doing, mainly by manipulating events and decimating the houses that voted to pass him over. I think he orchestrated the Lannister Stark war. I think he is currently setting up a war between High Garden and Dorne. I also think that he purposely helped encourage Aerys paranoia which led to his downfall.

I think that we'll find that Varys has also had training in the house of black and white and may have been exposed to the same poison that has kept the waif from appearing to have aged, explaining why Varys does not look his age.

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Boom! Nice catch..


have you ever wondered who his mother is?


And since we don't know who his Mother is, we can't say other than Rhaella, who she isn't.

Auranes family is an old Valyrian family as well, and three Queens have come from this House short any Sisters for the Targs. to marry, and absent any Martells.

And, if I'm not mistaken, the Blackfyre line supposedly only exists now through the females and given that the Blackfyres are likely just as picky about keeping their bloodlines pure, but probably run short from time-to-time not having any half-brothers to marry or breed with, then it's not unlikely that Auranes Father was seduced by a Blackfyre female given his Valyrian bloodline.

It's all about the Dragons.

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Since we have two threads going at once on pretty much the same topic, I'll post my theory here as well.

I've long thought that Varys may be Aerion's son that was passed over by the great council. The great council was made up of the lords of all of the major houses in Westeros. They decided to pass him over for the crown and give it to Aegon V. I think in addition to passing him over, they may have also decided to castrate him to ensure that he would sire no heirs to later make a claim on the throne. This would certainly give him the motivation to do what he is currently doing, mainly by manipulating events and decimating the houses that voted to pass him over. I think he orchestrated the Lannister Stark war. I think he is currently setting up a war between High Garden and Dorne. I also think that he purposely helped encourage Aerys paranoia which led to his downfall.

I think that we'll find that Varys has also had training in the house of black and white and may have been exposed to the same poison that has kept the waif from appearing to have aged, explaining why Varys does not look his age.

I did think that Varys was in there somehow.

Very nice theory.

Completely possible, especially as Varys has to be related into this some way otherwise all his actions are completely unjustified.

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I've long thought that Varys may be Aerion's son that was passed over by the great council. The great council was made up of the lords of all of the major houses in Westeros. They decided to pass him over for the crown and give it to Aegon V. I think in addition to passing him over, they may have also decided to castrate him to ensure that he would sire no heirs to later make a claim on the throne.

I don't think this is very likely. Varys would be in his late sixties if this was the case, and the story given to us by both Varys and Illyrio indicates that Varys grew up in the Free Cities. That would make any Targaryen-ordered castration of Varys extremely unlikely. That's not to say he couldn't be descended from Aerion in some other way, but what you're proposing requires a lot of outlandish things to occur.

I think that we'll find that Varys has also had training in the house of black and white and may have been exposed to the same poison that has kept the waif from appearing to have aged, explaining why Varys does not look his age.

This also seems extremely unlikely. I don't think that Varys would have been able to walk out of the House of Black and White possessing that kind of knowledge and been left alive to use it in service of some other person/organization.

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I am of the firm conviction that Varys is a Targaryen descendant. The reason that I believe this is the description of the ritual where he was castrated. The sacrifice of his genitals seems to have produced a very powerful result, so I think he has king's blood. To my mind this makes him either a Blackfyre or a Targaryen. My guess (based on nothing) is that Varys is the grandson or great-grandson of Aerion.

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And just as a side note, the only other Targ to be named Aerion was the father of Aegon the Conqueror. Any significance or just a coincidence?

Perhaps it could be related to "Aegon" conquering Westeros? (Pure speculation)

And it was also mentioned that there could be a possible connection to Darkstar.

I kinda find this to be semi-believable as they do have similar personality traits.

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