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Dumbest things you've heard about ASOIAF


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My friend, who only watches the show , said to me:

"The series are gonna suck now, they killed Boromir!"

Oh my friends.. thats only the big trigger!

I feel your pain, but sometimes you've got to have patience with people who, for whatever mad reason, won't cross the barrier to read the books and find out what the series is REALLY about. I know, it sucks. :P

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Yeah, I don't agree with what the OP said but it sort of showed the general perception of Sansa from general fans appears to be one of indifference, hate or down right bizarre.

So the OP of a thread of 10-15-20 (can't recall exact number now) pages where not a single user agreed even the slightest with that OP is showing the general perception of the general fans regarding Sansa?


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I think you have to be careful with this kind of thread, they can easily devolve into something bad, even on nicer forums like this one.

Anyway, something that people say about ASOIAF that gets on my nerves a little bit is that the books are too long. I mean, it's epic fantasy. By nature, it's about telling tales spanning characters and continents, which entails lengthy books. Sure, you could tell the story in fewer pages, but it's the length of the books that gives them real depth and substance, at least in part.

Of course, epic fantasy isn't everyone's cup of tea, so I still understand the claim.

I don't understand this criticism either. When I closed ASoS I let out a hearty NOOOOOOOOOOO because it was over.

If I could have just kept reading that book forever, I would have.

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So the OP of a thread of 10-15 pages where not a single user agreed even the slightest with that OP is showing the general perception of the fans regarding Sansa?


I wasn't saying people generally agreed with the notion Sansa was off her rocker. What I am saying is that threads that continue to pop up about Sansa shows the disparity in the interpretation of her character, amongst people who are not her fans. Some find fault in her behaviour and consider her spoilt, others assume her character has no agency and lacks growth, others find her realistic while some may think she's insane.

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Someone already mentioned Ros. And I had an vision. HBO is going to give Margery WAY to much air time !! The camera will love her, even GRRM loved her in Tudors as Ann Boleyn. Was he foreshadowing season 3 :ack:

Even better, Ros will have all of Sansa's lines this season and would probably be the one to run off at the purple wedding!

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"Renly would have been a great king 'cause he had more men and therefore every single soldier who's following him must love him to death and support his claim! Also he's not a jerk at all he cares for the smallfolk, loves Shireen and Brienne and all! And he never intended to kill his brother or those he believed to be his nephews, that's not Renly that's Stannis, the lobster guy who's not nice with people!"

"Tywin is the boss he really is badass and everyone should look up to him, and also I never liked Starks to start with! They're boring and they are extremely stupid, I would never have done those mistakes!"


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I almost forgot :

"It seems like Cat only loves sansa and robb, and doesnt really care what happens to the rest of her children."

I almost shit myself

We learn quite clearly from Catelyn's POVs that Bran is her favorite child. After I explained that to my brother, who had a similar criticism as the one above, he responded with "Well then she's fucked up for having a favorite child." Anyone who has more than one child has a favorite of the two. It is a completely unavoidable and completely natural feeling to have, but he simply could not grasp it, likely due to the fact that he was never the favorite child.

It never means you love one more than the other, it just means that one of your kids will always share a closer resemblance and familiar interests than the others will.

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