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You're a powerful Lord/Lady during the Five Kings War - Who do you side with?

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I'd do what Tywin did in Robert's Rebellion, and what Dorne did in the War of Five Kings. Nothing. Wait, and either swoop in at the last second on the winning team (get in a really nice curbstomp on the losing side just to prove loyalty), or wait to be courted, offered lands, castles, etc, and after making the alliance, set up some forces on the border to make the opposing side uncomfortable (followed by changing sides if I picked the lame runner, no point trying to shoot the healthy one when you've a surer bet).

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I would use the money to start my own branch of education at the Citadel in Oldtown. I would teach advanced mathematics and physics to the Maesters, and start a whole movement for scientific discovery. Given what I already know right now, I could put myself in Westeros history as their Newton, Euler, Laplace, Fourier, Maxwell, Einstein, Dirac, (etc) combined. I probably wouldn't get people to understand Quantum Field Theory in my own lifetime, but I would write some secret tomes about them so that in the future, way past when I'm dead, people can use the progress they made to find and understand my tomes so I could give them a further kick-start.

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Balon Greyjoy the ninth of his name,King of the Iron Islands, King of Salt and Rock, Son of the Sea Wind, Lord Reaper of Pyke.

After I declare for him Ill help him create an alliance with Dorne. And after that the three of us can take all of Westeros and live happily ever after.

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I think that, by the current state of the series, I would probably be about ready to just declare myself the petty king of my own dominions, and then sell my loyalty if and when it looked like someone could actually sit comfortably the Iron Throne. If we're talking about the beginning of the series, I'm not sure. I'd certainly be terrified by the execution of the Ned, but I'd also have a tendency to disbelieve the charges regarding Cersei's adultery, in the absence of the very compelling evidence only a handful of characters are actually privy to.

But all this assumes my lands are south of the Neck. Otherwise, I'd be taking the rune-encoded minutes at meetings of the Great Northern Conspiracy.

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