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You're a powerful Lord/Lady during the Five Kings War - Who do you side with?

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Would I be a great Lord or just a powerful lord within a region? If the former I'd wait and see how the war was going or what offers other lords would give me to join them. If the latter well I'd probably follow my liege lord unless I was certain they'd lose and didn't think that they could actually do much harm to me.

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Well, a lot depends on where you are geographically. For example, if you're in the Westerlands and you declare for Robb Stark, you're gonna have a bad time...

Still, if you mean the War of the 5 Kings, I would declare for Robb and kick the Greatjon in the nuts just before he proclaimed him King in the North.

However, if I was Tywin during Robert's Rebellion I would've done exactly the opposite of what he did. I would've swooped into King's Landing with my 12 000 westerners, closed the gate under Ned's nose and arranged for an unfortunate accident to befall Aerys. With Rhaegar dead, I would convince Elia (and probably later Rhaella) to name me Hand and/or Regent to baby-king Aegon. Then I would free Jaime from his Kingsguard vows, marry him to Janna Tyrell (Mace's sister) and make a marriage pact between their firstborn daughter and Aegon.

I would order Kevan to assemble the rest of the Western army and march to the capital, while in the same time ordering Mace to send 40 000 of his troops under the command of Randyll Tarly from Storm's end. If the Rebels make the mistake of besieging King's Landing, they would be smashed against the walls by the combined power of the Reach and the Westerlands. If they decide to bend the knee, I would be merciful and there will be no executions.

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I only kneel to one king, whose name is Stark.

This, without a doubt. How can Thor Odinson not show his support for the King in the North? ;) Although odds are my allegiance would ultimately lead to my getting my throat slit at a certain wedding.

Hire pyromancers, tell them to stop mucking with the Substance and start mucking with combination of fireworks and metal tubes.

And wait.

...although I'm loving this idea, too.

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